So are you ready to pay $100 per gallon for Epoxy Resin? Check out recent price and website updates by some of the favorites that are often mentioned around Swaylocks. You will be surprised.
Is that a substantial price rise , Lowel ? Do you know why ?
Almost twice as much per gallon. Why would only be a guess.
I had heard something about this probably a year or more ago , something to do with oil prices. When it didn’t happen immediately I just chalked it up to idle speculation.
Not only oil prices going up but also the cost for shipping has risen as well.
The cost to ship a container from PRC to the US west coast doubled in a year.
Rising fuel costs, port closures, shipping container shortages and most especially covid have all contributed to increased prices…
Can’t even get Mas Fina in bottles anywhere on the coast or valley here in the “Beaver” state. That includes places like WalMart and Winnco. Shipping; warehouse workers and truck drivers in néed.
The “big dog” up here; (the one everybody goes to for their Probox items) is currently at s$776 per 7.5 kit. Which easily comes out to $100 per gallon.
The pricing on PE resin appears to be stable
All epoxy brand I can find are at least 30% more than 1 year ago…
I heard all the Mexican breweries are having trouble keeping up their output. The covid has hit certain areas of Mexico hard and people everywhere are drinking more…
Yesterday, I went over to a client’s house to take care of a honey -do list. Fix a couple of stuck gates. We chatted more than worked really… She’s a widow in her seventies, fixed income, so when she asked how much, I said just a cold beer. She gave me a whole six pack, so I guess I scored!
For the most part Poly follows the price of oil(which currently is in the $70’s). Over the last 3–4 years a 55 gallon drum has hung just below $1000. When it gets up in the $1300-- $1400 range glass shops feel the pain. And with a little math, it’s not hard to figure how much profit there is in a Five gallon plastic pail. There is often a short lag between a barrel of oil increase and an increase in the cost of a drum of Poly. This is due to the raw materials on hand at manufacturers and already refined Poly sitting in warehouses like Fiberglass Hawaii, Rev-chem etc. Sort of like when the price of oil goes up, but isn’t reflected at the gas pump right away. The filling stations have gas on hand that they paid an earlier lower price for. But some filling stations will immediately raise the price no matter what they paid and before they have to pay the higher price.
I’m not enough of an insider to know; But my theory is that the real cost with Epoxy is the Part B, not the Part A. The Part A (resin) is the custom part of Epoxy. That’s the Part that manufacturers tweak and customize for various applications. The Part B (hardener); is most likely Not manufactured by people like Resin Research, Dura Clear, Wet Systems etc. Instead it is most likely purchased by those companies from larger corporate manufacturers. If so that would mean that the Part B is the component that all Epoxy manufacturers have the least control over when it comes to supply and price. I would wonder also about the manufacture process of Part B. Is it a Petroleum product? When I buy Epoxy the Part B Hardener is 30% more expensive than the Part A resin. I think I am on to something here.
Just spoke with one of my buddies who just received a 1-1/2 gal kit of the Fiberglass Hawaii Aluzine. He said they charged him ~$230 including shipping (from Ventura to Santa Maria ~ 1-1/2 drive). I was shocked. I thought i paid about $125 for the same kit a couple years ago.
About a month or so ago, I heard that ProWall which manufactures the EPS billets sold to US Blanks and other manufacturers, has raised their prices 50%. So wire cut EPS blank prices are going up also.
Less than a couple of years ago. That’s $152 per gallon. I misread your post.
Found the Crowns “Mas Fina” at Safeway tonight.
Sorry Mc dingo but you are wrong if you are just basing the price increase on the price of oil , 10 years ago a barrel of crude was over $100 , what was the price of resin ? Maybe I am just a cynical old bastard but its just plain greed , greed is the middle name of all the oil company,s and there associates , if they can fuck you over they will , what else are you going to glass boards with , thats why we need a viable alternative and until we get one , bend over .
You mean? Assume the position??
can’t happen.