ass kicked by the gel

Today i was laminating the deck of my board with regular polyester, and when i was going to lap the resin starts to gel, i only had time to take a brush and wet the dry spots in the laps and pull it to the bottom.

Now i have some dry spots on the laps and lots of driping resin in the laps and deck!!!

What can i do now??

I was thinking to brush the deck and laps with lamination resin, so i can have a smoother hotcoat…

Give me some help pleas…

Thank you all guys

From Portugal…

…worst you have pinholes between the lap and the bottom lam…

…you can put a hotcoat only in the lap, then sand trough it towards the bottom lam

…if you put the lam, then hotcoat everything, and then sand, the tiny pin holes dont disappear…


I’d flip it over, take down the bumps with sand paper or an old sureform blade, then paint the dry spots with lam resin. Finish the board as usual. Mike

…hey Rooster if the guy do this, he ll finish with a crap glass…

Hey guy,

It’s a bad time when we are learning the first lessons. But, as one friend told me once, “there’s always a solution, never give up…” Ok, firstly, when you was caught in this trap again, clean up all the gel resin on the board and rapidly prepare another amount of it and spread all over the board and get the work done.

Now, to give you a right solution, I think you could send some pics of the real situation because you could use different methods for each pattern of problem. But, I tell you that it still can get perfect at the end, don’t be disapointed.

Good Luck!

…seems to me that crap glass with hundreds of tiny pinholes between the lap and the bottom lam dont mind for nobody…