Assymetrical Tail

I was browsing the Channel Islands website, and i stumbled upon the 2001 - Performance Noserider. I was really interested by the tail, it was called an assymetrical tail, for a longer rail frontside and shorter backside. Can anyone please explain the benefits of this tail?

i think the idea is to give you a bit more bite/holding power on your toe side and more release/pivot style turn on your heels…so to speak. i did a shortboard with one and couldn’t really feel a difference, although properly done that may be a good thing. i’d like to hear from anyone else who’s surfed em.

whats hte website address?

We have a Carl Eckstrom Assymtrical and nobody who has used it can tell a difference- the board does work beautifully-fast and fun

We have a Carl Eckstrom Assymtrical and nobody who has used it can tell a > difference- the board does work beautifully-fast and fun Yo, Steiny, I tried a borrowed Ekstrom Asymmetric on several occasions back in the summer of '66. A fellow lifeguard’s Dad was selling Ekstroms and he’d bring them for us to try out. Very good board, as were all the models, but nobody could tell any difference. I bought 2 other models, but not that one.