asymetrical fin placement

I know it’s out there in the archives and older posts but it is to damn hot right now in escondido to sit at my computer and search.  I bought a 6-2 pavel blank yesterday and used a 6-2 fish temp for toe side and a 5-11 diamond tail quad temp for heel side.  

Fin placement? 


Hopefully this works

Also, I know the outline needs fine tuning and the only reason I rasped the tail early was for a guide point because of inexperience in this project.

That looks good!

...maybe George the plus one guy will chime in, he has spent a lot of time and thought on this subject.

I'll be watching and taking notes.  An asym is another one on my growing list.  But I'm just so doggone ignorant on the subject!

I've made few for myself and placed the side fins the distance from their own "tail" I would have used on a standard shape. That is, if I were to use 11.25" on the front fins of a thruster, then on the short rail the lead fin is 11.25" from that end and the same thing on the long rail. So, let's say you have a keel for your frontside rail and a quad setup for your backside rail, then setup the keel like it's for a keel fish and the quads their appropriate distance from the shorter rail. There's any number of set ups and likely if they're within reason, they'd all work. I used Plus One's set up as a guidline on my last one for the center fin which was offset from center about 5/8" towards the frontside (long) rail and toed towards center. Hope all that made sense!

Thanks Huck!

It made sense surf this. I’ll give it a go.

And thanks for the input surf this!

I too, ask the question. Any placement ideas for this tail? I want that heal rail(the short one) to alow me to come off top

 more vert than a normal fish would if that makes sense. Wouldn’t it be better to have the heel side with one keel and the toe side quad?

I would want the exact opposite of you. I would want the single(ish) fin on my toe side and the quad setup for the heel. How did I come up with this? I’m imagining a nice cutback on my heel edge using the quad setup. At the same time, I’m picturing going down the face frontside with a ‘less fins’ feel. But see, I’m describing different conditions which calls for a different board setup than what you’re shooting for. I just read again that you want to come off the top (heel side), okay I can see how you came up with that fin arrangement. Look, there’s only one real way to find out… Other than that, add extra plugs/boxes just in case.