Asymmetric, which way works for you?

This is my first asym, I love the hell out of it.  I used a 5-10 diamond tail temp on heel rail and a 6-2 fish temp on toes.  I’m goofyfoot.

Here is my question,  Did I completely miss class one day.  I thought the the idea was a longer rail line (single keel) on toe side and a shorter rail line (quad) on heels allowing for a quicker cut back?

I realize that there are really just ideas and no specific “right way,” but I was talking with some shapers this weekend that  said it originally was opposite.

I’m stoked with this board but if I got it wrong then it’s time to make a second one because if it can get better, I’m getting on that bus.



I always forget how to do this add photo stuff

In simplest terms, it feels great, so you got it right. However, some people are messing around with longer rails on the heel side. I think it comes down to preference and/or where you're surfing. I've made 4 asymmetricals for myself, all with the long rail on the toe side. I'm goofy like you, which may explain why I like the looks of your board. Got any more pics?

I'm goofy, and I surf so. cal. right break point waves (malibu, topanga, c-street, stables, faria, and on rare occasions rincon), so I seldom go frontside.  If I built an asym, I'd want the short rail on the front side.  I can turn to my backside just fine, but when I do get a left, I tend to drop all the way down and hit a hard bottom turn - and half the time the wave has already passed me by.  For some reason its harder for me to hit a top turn frontside as I drop in, maybe an asym would help me in that area.

That is a really nice looking board.

you got it right

I prefer to have the heel side the short one. I like to do the asymmetric thing for the fins too.


Hey thanks for the feedback guys.  

Barry, I am definitely going to try and follow your lead on those fin placements.  Stared at it for awhile and I think I see how you placed em.  


Hey Surfthis, 

the only other pics I got are post lam.  Buy the way, the line you see in the deck photo was because of some defect in my role of 6oz.  Thankfully after hoat coat and sanding I got it to mostly dissappear. 

Here we go at posting photos, I did this last night but I always forget so sorry if we get a double post.


Holy crap, I did it right the first time.


On a roll here.

Thanks again for the feedback guys!