Atention fishers: Rich Pavel Interview

Sure you’ve read it, but for those who doesn’t, check this interview, i really liked it:

Toby is a friend of mine and it’s soo nice to see him get some limelight. He has been making the fish since it’s begining and through the yrs when no one wanted anything like a fish . All the time he made them and other esoteric designs for a few. Not one mention of his kneeriding or Steve Lis’s mindblowing waveriding.

Thanks Coque, I had not seen that before…

Hey liquid, some months ago i meet a guy from Australia called Tim who’s a WCT judge and we were talking about fishes and he also told me that Rich is a close friend of his father, and you both coincide on that he’s a really nice guy, and that he has been on and on shaping and refining the fish.

You can really see the love some shapers put on this world when they’re refining a shape that isn’t being demanded by their clients, but they do really trust in it. Also you can really see this passion when they are teaching other shapers how to do it. I’m sure Manuel will agree on that.

Well i would really like to own one of his quad fishes or maybe one of his bonzers… maybe soon i’ll find the way to ship those boards to Spain at a reasonable price [hey Manuel, you should have some stock boards!! ; ) ].

Also check out our very own Dale Solomonson in the same issue of All About Surf

Check this!

Such classic interviews…Rich is a pretty trippy guy to talk to. You get on a roll and an hour flashes by like minutes. My head always hurts afterword as he seems to be speaking on at least 3 levels. Although Rich hasn’t posted here for a while, he does pop in now and again and really supports the Swaylock’s idea. He contributed a sackfull of goodies for the Sways 2004.

Good for Dale!!! It’s about time the word gets out. Consumate craftsman, tinkerer, artist, scientist. He doesn’t just think about shit…he does it!!!

ok, i feel pretty dumb at the moment. i’ll tell you why.

i’m Australian but i was in California for winter 03/04 visiting some friends and surfing places i’d read/heard about. i made friends with this guy who said he knew Skip Frye and could introduce me to him. we (me and 2 friends, one from Australia also) went to his shaping bay and i met Skip there and this other guy walks in to talk to Skip and i met him there also and during conversation i told him that i rode old single fins exclusively. he introduced himself to me as Rich and to my (Australian) friend as Toby. we both thought that was weird. anyway, he told me he makes single fins and old style boards that i’d probably like and that he had some classic templates from the early 70’s. i asked whether i could come and see and he told me roughly where that Greenroom was in OB which sounded great to me as i was staying at Mission Beach at the time. i cruised over one day and we sat around on the shop floor tracing templates onto cardboard i found on side streets and talking about design. i thought “this guy is great” he was incredibly helpful knowing full well that i couldn’t afford to buy a board from him but was very encouraging as far as design and shaping went.

the other night i saw some highlights here in Newcastle Australia from Sprout at a Jack McCoy film festival and i bought the movie. when i got home i read the insert which said a stack of the boards were made by Rich Pavel. over the last year i’ve gradually figured out who i had met.

i’ll back you all up by saying he’s a super nice guy who even sent me a Greenroom postcard type thing after i had returned home.

…congratulations Dale !!

…by the sound of it, some long overdue exposure.

Do you have any photos of that skatepark from the 70s, and your skateboards ?

…I like your art mate !

that all about surf . com

seems an excellent production !

…Josh Dowling [‘speedneedle’ , who was on here for a while…see ‘artwork’ thread] is also featured.
