ATT: East Coast Aussie Swaylockers!

G’day guys,

I am looking to do a surfing road trip from Sydney to Gladstone (near bundaburg) from just after xmas till about the 12th of Jan 07, I will be taking my home made hollow wooden longboard and also my south coast “stylemaster” board, please let me know if any of you are around between those dates and want to catch up, I would love to call in, go for a wave and share a beer or 3!

feel free to PM me here at sways or just send an email to

I look forward to sharing the lineup with you…

1st surf on my hollow wooden 

 My Stylie 



ps. I am not a tight-arse looking for places to stay! just looking for some people to meet up with and go for a wave with on my trip!

Hey Robbo,

You get that Stylie from Bennetts? She looks familiar.

Do you surf around the northern beaches?


yes and yes!