ATTENTION: Mothers Day Art Show, Cardiff CA

Hello all

There is a free Mothers Day Art Show in Cardiff, at CBS Gallery. The address is 139 Chesterfield.

It will feature land and seascape resin art by laminator Greg Webster that is quite beautiful and technically mind boggling. The boards are shaped by various shapers local to Southern California to include Hank Warner, John Kies, Chris Hawk, Rick Rock, Jim Phillips among others and the laminations are all performed by Webster.

The art show will preview pieces for our booth up at Sacred Craft next weekend, and will be free of charge and include free BBQ and refreshments and spectacular blues music provided by Joe Wood of TSOL fame.

The show will open at 1 and will end at 6 or 7.

If you are at all interested in color lamination and what is truly possible, or are looking for a great family environment event to take Mom to, you should come and check out the work of this master craftsman.

Here is some of the work from a previous show with Surfboardbuilders.

scroll down to the title Greg Webster’s glasswork and enjoy

Here is the address again

CBS 139 Chesterfield, Cardiff CA

call 760.419.3580 and ask for Logan if there are any questions