Attn: Loehr -- Additive "F"/ 2020 resin ????s

Hey Greg, Now that I have the resin and am ready to laminate and hot coat. I have a couple of questions. Should the Additive “F” be used in both the lamination process and the hot coating. The other thing I’m wondering is that only 2000 resin was sent. I’ll assume that’s because the 2020 simply isn’t appropriate for either surfboard or fin lay-up work. Let me know if I’m in error. I wait for your advice before Ralph and I go ahead with the glass work. Mahalo, Rich

i’m not gerg loehr,but maybe i can help you out…additive F is to be use in the hotcoat or finish coat…i was at greg’s shop the other day and he show me how it works…it helps the hotcoat to flow out better and it doesn’t leave any brush marks…nice stuff…but as i said i’m not greg so please wait for his reply…hope this helps you…ET

We use additive F in laminates as well. It helps with wet out and eliminates amine blush which causes all kinds of problems with epoxies. Also improves bond to the substaight and gets rid of bubbles as well. As ET said, it does help hot coats flow and also improves surface hardness which makes the resin sand better. 2020 is used for synthetic cloth and should be good for fins so I’m sending you some for that. We are also experimenting using 2020 with some different weaves of glass which may give better ding strength.