Howzit, Mike!..I’ve been away for a while…just “realized” the new format. My only criticism…for the particular quotes or responses in a thread which I choose to save or printout - NOW - I must printout the ENTIRE THREAD to get at what I really want (rather than the individual passage). While this is great when I want the WHOLE thread, I can see how this could get outta hand for the long "he said/you said/you’re fulla crap/no I ain’t " rants. Oft times, there are real “gems” contained in the long threads - which I pick out and save. I can see how this might become tedious after a while, and it might be difficult to maintain my tidy Swaylock’s “file”. I’ve got a notebook full of printouts with good advice, leads, and addresses contained therein. I liked having single pages of particular people’s advice or quotes. more manageable from a “collector’s” standpoint. New way is easier to read the whole thread at once, but the old way was easier to accumulate pages(that you really wanted) for an actual book of Info (at the ready)…plus, I got to edit out the stuff I really didn’t need. Me likey old way! (mo’ bettah!). With the old format you would have to click back and forth more often, but you ALSO had more of a CHOICE of what to read or keep. (my two cents!). Thanks, bro! (p.s. If I’m missing something with regards to getting individual printouts of people’s quotes, let me know…I ain’t exactly the most computer savy person in the world). thanks, T…
If you want to keep or print parts of threads, you can either 1)cut and paste the part you want into a Word file (or Notepad) then edit and print from there or, 2)from the “Discussion” page, click on “Preferences” in the Swaylocks menu, and then change “Display Style” to read “Single Message”. Then go to the bottom of the page and click on “update preferences”. That should get you back to having only one message per screen, so when you hit print it should only print out the one you are looking at. I prefer copying good stuff to a word processor file, myself, as it can be put in different fonts, organized easily, etc etc.
Thanks, Keith!..Much appreciated! T.