Attn NSW Swaylockers

Just putting the feelers out at the moment to see if anyone would be keen to get away for a weekend, up the Treachery area, around February 07?

Just a weekend of hanging out, surfing, talking boards, talking rubbish and escaping the daily trappings.

If you think you would be interested please let me know. Should be a cheap weekend away (provided you dont drink like a demon :slight_smile: with plenty of fish and crays about.

Be good

been up there the past few weeks, been so much fun, except for the water temp!

hey Jay,

let me know if you do this again some time later in the year. i go back to school this week and the first couple of months are pretty hectic usually. make sure you check Yagen cause i surfed there in early January and got some great little lefts with some kids from Sydney (Dee Why i think). i ended up out there for about 6 hours straight after having surfed only an hour and a half at Treach that morning.

Craig and Andrew said that you are riding your new Gillespie designs very well, good to hear.

