Auslocks Board Experience!

OK, time to tell you the truth: the Auslocks somehow made its way to France and we are holding it as a hostage.

Send IMMEDIATELY A container OF BURFORD or BENNETT blanks, OR…

We’ll need photo evidence alongside a newspaper with the date visible, then we’ll negotiate a settlement…

I miss that board…sob…sob…

Maybe she’s fallin for the plastic glitz and glamour of the Goldy, teamed up with some dude in a Porsche and is hiding out in a 5 star penthouse… Maybe she doesn’t want to leave sunny Qld to head south in the dead of winter? But you know what they say…if you love something set it free…she’ll come home one day when you least expect it. Cheers

If someone could give me the address where it is now, I’ll organise pay for her to go south to another address…hands up who’s next!!!

Hopefully we’ll get the momentum going again…

I think glenno got it right , in which case he is in good hands …

one of the goldy’s meter maids is probably giving it a good rub down even as I type !

I DO feel your pain , though , Grant …all those endless hoursw of planing , and the ungrateful board ends up in some buxom girls arms …as “Dr. Smith” would have said …“oh , the pain , the PAIN !”

ben [actually , I wish I was that board right about NOW !]

I am waiting for it to get to South Aus!

I think someone on the Goldy got hold of it and gave it to a major surfboard company to investigate why it works so well…

Then I woke up and had to let go of it…

I’ll still pay to move it on, I just need 2 addresses…

Yes Glenno,

If you love something set it free,

if it comes back it is yours,

If it doesn’t ,


If nobody puts up their hand between the Gold Coast and the Central Coast. You can send it to me. Let me know and I’ll PM you my address. I’m sure all the CC Swaylockers will be keen to test ride the board.platty

hey platty me and my mate josh live at avoca beach on the central coast and we would be really keen to have a go on the board maybee we could organise something between the three of us?

Has anything happened yet?

can someone please tell me who actualy has the board at the moment because i would like to get in touch with them

the board is at 476 gold coast hwy, tugun, at diverse surfboards store. its ready and waiting for any one to take it to its next destination.

Thanks FD,

I’ve PMed Platty for his details, can you recommend a company I can contact and arrange freight?

hi mate, the guys we use to frieght will only take 6’8" max, or we use virgin blue and they are pikup at airports only…

Update from Glenno


Hey Grant, Good news… old mate is goin up to QLD on the weekend and will grab the Auslock board from feral dave, so if all goes to plan we should be riding her next week. Will let you know. Lookin forward to it, cheers.

Good on ya Glenno…

hoooooorrrraaaayyyy !!!

N.S.W. , here it comes …finally !!

if what Josh says is true about the current swell size , you should get to ride it on a right point break , at the BIGGEST size the board has been out in so far !

see…there was a REASON for the delay , AFTER all !

good on you , Glen !

enjoy ! and see if you can get someone with a digital camera to get a shot of you screaming down the line on it at *******************************

wooohoooo !!! …STOKED !!



if josh gets hold of the board in the central coast witch im shore he will i will go out with him at avoca point and take some photos with my underwater camera.

i hope it gets hear soon because the waves have been real good lately

…that would be absolutely splendid , Shaun ! [in fact , downright ‘spiffing’ !]

I look forward to seeing the shots here one day …

good on ya mate !

(leave it to "the groms’’ to share the stoke , eh ?!)



Thanks Hopper!