...'Australia Day' salute !

Marty got these shots , of me christening the [now repaired] singley I posted on the 'dungers' thread recently ...







It was probably fitting that , while I was flying [off] the green and yellow[ing] board , down the beach a couple of aboriginals were camped out on the top of the sand dune , flying a HUGE Aboriginal flag , just to remind us who the TRUE locals really were / are ....


  On the theme of 'flying'...

maybe one day we can have a "show us your wipeouts " thread , if people didn't mind being honest , swallowing their pride / big ego , and learn to have a laugh at themselves , for a change ....you know , we can lighten things up a bit ...[after all, it's only SURFING , as 'Oneula' would say !]


  cheers guys !



Beautiful country.

But, fools run it.

Do you think I could find an Australian made Flag?

The country is up shit creak.

Stop Taxing Australian workers and start Taxing imports, The stupid thing is Australians sell the raw materials and then buy it back at $$$$.

Fools Fools Fools.

The mining Boom, What a joke!

Milk, bread, and a couple of bananas…10$ - 15$ plus.


Oh, Hi Sways

agree with most of what you say…but check where all flags are made…probably find its China…they make friggin everything for everyone…sad but true…



Yeah, Thats what I meant.


For 3 + years now, If I see a flat for sale I check where its made, China China China!!!

You can’t find the soul of anything these days.




You can't find the soul of anything these days.




Welcome threefins!

Hope ya gonna find some soul in here!


On australia day, as i was heading to work, i went through a neighbouring suburb. I saw a heavily tattood bloke with no shirt on, sitting on the footpath with his kids, holding a bag of cheap wine ( goonie for the aussies ). He was abusing his missus as she stormed off with the other kids. Unfortunately a typical sight here on any day that celebrates our country. Going to work early on new years day, i need 2 hands to count the passed out people on the footpaths. As my username suggests i do love a beer, but i also like to remember what i did last night, and can act like a decent person after a few. Why do so many of us feel the need to drink to oblivion??.

Beerfans thought for the day!?


so... did anyone have a surf and clean fun on australia day, before this thread gets derailed into a downward spiral ???


focus people focus !

we are BLESSED to be able to play in the ocean . Others are not so fortunate



....NEVER take for granted the fact you can surf  ! Quit your whining ... you still can paddle out ...


Marty got these shots , of me christening the [now repaired] singley I posted on the 'dungers' thread recently ...







It was probably fitting that , while I was flying [off] the green and yellow[ing] board , down the beach a couple of aboriginals were camped out on the top of the sand dune , flying a HUGE Aboriginal flag , just to remind us who the TRUE locals really were / are ....


  On the theme of 'flying'...

maybe one day we can have a "show us your wipeouts " thread , if people didn't mind being honest , swallowing their pride / big ego , and learn to have a laugh at themselves , for a change ....you know , we can lighten things up a bit ...[after all, it's only SURFING , as 'Oneula' would say !]


  cheers guys !





What happened there ben?? All looked promising on takeoff!

its a great place but the culture is nearly nil, except for drinking a shitload…and we are bloody competitive at sport…

hiya beery !!


 well, basically .... the bottom dropped out ....before this slow old man got to his feet ?!


  and marty winced , getting flashbacks to when he fractured his C1,  a mere 5 weeks ago.


  update ...


  he paddled this board for about 10 seconds , just to test out his neck . And he says he will  try out his new board early tomorrow ....he's FROTHING ,  looking forward to finally , after 48 YEARS [!] ,  riding his first HOMEMADE board ! [may it be the beginning of MANY !!].  So, I will take my camera down , at first light , again !


  cheers !

