Australian fish fry

How did it go??

Any pics of twin fin goodness for us to ogle …

The Fish Fry was a huge success.

Thanks first of all to Grant Newby for putting it on, to his wife for looking after us with wax and t-shirts.

Thanks to all of you who came all the way from the US to shows us your goods.

To Jimmy Jazz for patiently going through the LokBox installation proceedure umpteen times.

Feral Dave, thanks for being so generous with boards and ideas.

Toby, it was a pleasure yarning with you and getting advice from a master. The green 5’7 ‘superbank’ was a beauty.

Roger Hall, thanks for the long talk, the free sharing of ideas, and for letting me try the Ben Aipa/Mark Richards channelling stinger fish.

Michael Mackie, who’s deep swallow flex-tail sidecut fishes were incredible, drawing on the influences of Milovic, Greenough and Mitchell Rae. Unique and beautiful.

So many interesting boards, and all so different. So many cool people.

Thank you everybody

Kia ora


so, does anyone have any photos?

First off I’d like to extend my thanks and appreciation to MR. Grant Newby who organized this whole thing. Grant has no real connection to the surf industry other than his extreme passion for custom made surfboards. Also to the australian people for showing me the most hospitality I’ve ever experienced anywhere. Got tons of good surf and met some incredible people! I’ll post some more pics when I get over the jet lag. Meanwhile here’s a couple -

Danny Hess from the states, and Grant Newby

A couple of random shots

looking forward to the pics, and I’m digging the guy in the 2nd pic with a Jeff Ho shirt on!

…were there any single fin fish there ?

any watwershots of fish being surfed ?



Not sure about water shots Chip, and I pretty sure there were a few single fins on hand. Now who can spot dick Van Stralen?

I guess that would be the guy holding the fish upside down examining the tail.

As you can see the surf was going off for the event

Tony (middle) from Bear/Takayama and his son Evan (right)

Danny Hess from San Francisco showed up with 5 beautiful boards

Danny and Dick Van Stralen talk wood fishes

Rich Pavel seemed pretty stoked to be invited

People seemed stoked on the array of different templates I had on hand as well as the possibilities of being able to adjust their fins on their fishes

With overhead surf, good weather and insane boards all over the place, it’s pretty safe to say there will be another fry next year and it should be even bigger and better!!

Murray Bourton had a nice batch of boards

Rumor has it that the Japanese are up next with a fish fry in chiba for september. Who’s up for that?

“… Now who can spot dick Van Stralen?”

jjr, It’s great to hear you had such a good time over here :-),although I was sorry I coudn’t get up to Currumbin to meet you and the other guys :frowning: , but I can still spot my old mate Dick in the pics :-). We spent a lot of time together in the early 60s/70s. As a matter of fact Dick left Sydney with me in '65 by ship when I first came over to the States and I met Pinliner and co. But we stayed in Auckland for awhile (I worked at a local boardmaker to get enough ship fare to continue on), while Dick went home. When I returned we set up a shortlived board making business called ‘Soup’. Dick shaped while I glassed and finished.I also appeared with him in an irreverent ABC surfing documentary that year called ‘the Surfing Years’. I worked with him in '72 when he first moved to Burleigh and set up Surf Design.He shared a flat next door to Gordon Merchant who was starting Billabong at the same time…

They were good times. No leashes and we had Burleigh almost to ourselves (along with Drouyn and few locals…)for a long time! Thanks for the pics!!

thanks for going to the trouble of posting those pictures lokbox. so many awesome boards. i’m especially intrigued by the boards by danny hess.

you definitely got lucky in terms of swell. it was pumping up there all week. good for you mate.

thanks lots for those pics Lokbox!

all the boards look awsome.

i’m really diggin’ the diamond tail quad

that the guy in the red tank top is holding

in the last pic on post #31 and the first

pic on post #32. that thing just looks like


looks like you guys got some good waves

too! good for you!

Dick is the guy in the straw hat talking to Danny hess in the green shirt

Thanks guys glad you enjoyed the pics!

the quad diamond tail looks fun

what size would THAT be , I wonder ?

looks like you guys scored ???empty??? currumbin ???

good on ya , thanks for the shots !

[WHERE was the water photog guy , is my question ??

and rasta and dan thompson and



…someone needs to make a movie of these [?now three?] fish get-togethers …

Empty? yeah right. Lol there was like 200 people out there. It was super dangerous actually. Trying to shoot water shots woulda been complete suicide. Rasta was in west africa according to Dick, and Daniel was shaping here in oceanside next door to our own DK…