Anybody know anyone out there who actually uses an autocad computer program to previsualize some (or some aspect) of their dreamshapes?
TurboCAD 3d PRO Ver 7 (don’t forget the PRO) is the stuff. TC7 Pro is the top of TurboCAD’s line, but costs about $250 US. Autocad light costs $450 and Autocad Pro costs $1,250. Autocad is the standard, but it doesn’t even compare to TurboCAD 3d Pro v 7. TC7 Pro is WYSIWYG and menu driven. It acts like like a toy because it’s so easy to use, but it’s extremely powerful. For Autocad power users, TC7 Pro uses almost the same keystroke macros. Besides using its native format TC7 Pro saves and opens Autocad “.dwg” files. You can use TC7 Pro Bezier curves to form 3d surfboards. I import geometric points into TC7 Pro from my own design program. TurboCAD has a support team… in Russia. They know their stuff… in English. TC7 Pro is great.>>> Anybody know anyone out there who actually uses an autocad computer > program to previsualize some (or some aspect) of their dreamshapes?
I have been a AutoCAD user for almost 15 years now. Just recently I got into board building and at first was excited about using my computer drating skills for surfboard design. I have since stopped. For me shaping is an art form and I need to have my hands on the foam to generate any new concepts. Drawing directly onto the foam just cant be duplicated on the monitor. Using a 12’ straight edge gets me such nice curves in the shop that i’m not saving anytime doing computer design. Now the outrigger surf canoe is a different animal, I couldn’t have done it without AutoCAD. No worries, shine the computer.