I’m at the stage in my hollow wooden where I need to think about glassing. if I didnt use a vac bag, is there a way to keep it from de-laminating? for instance… keep it out of high heats (sitting in car) or adding extra epoxy? or wet out the wood before laying glass?
also, if I didnt use a vac, how long before it would de-lam?
any tech wizzes who know a technique for glassing hollow woodens without bagging? (also without running into serious delam issues)
benny did it with a whole bunch of zip-loc baggies filled with water…laid all over the board to apply constant, even pressure as the lam cured. did this months ago, and he reported recently that he has yet to have any delam problems.
there is no need to vac a hollow woody
you’ll want a rent plug, that will help
your worried about the glass delaming of the wood? or the wood pannels delaming off the frame?
The frame issue is just requires good clamping; a vac could prvoide that.
Glass of the wood, that just requires wood selection that is suitable for resin. Epoxy should be better. Don’t sand ultra smooth as you want a little something for the resin to grap a hold of. Let eh epoxy work itself in to the wood (soak in) a little then work the resin into the wood a little.