Aware of the Account Page and Spammers

Working on it!!! Hang in there.

Thank you

and a big thank you from me too!

Many Thanks!

What do these fooking idiots think they gain by slamming an English language site, with a barrage of unintelligible gibberish ? This should be reported to ‘‘The Donald’’ so that he can crush them!

My theory is that he’s Korean, despite the picture he uses.
But I’m pretty sure he’s also friends with The Donald, so no help there.
I think he gets paid by the post, regardless of intelligibility.

The Don would build a fire wall and make the spammers pay for it. Let’s make Swaybacks great again.


Update: Profile pages are back online.

To the moderators, I assume this means you should be able to block/delete the Spammers? Can you confirm?

Working on additional, automated methods for blocking spam.

Thanks for your patience,

This is priceless haha.

cool - I can access member pages again, should be able to ban spammers and delete their postings in one fell swoop, thanks!

just had the opportunity to delete a spammer’s account and all his posts in one fell swoop - xlnt!!

Thanks Mike!