Backyard Build

Bud,… question for ya…  Why do you have the US Blanks logo on the final product? I won’t say that it lessens the aesthetic of the board at all, just wondering… do they give you a discount on blanks? Maybe some Tshirts? A case of beer?


Very nice craftsmanship. And also a very nice documentary. 




First, tanks for posting. This is really helpful for someone like me who is just getting started.

Second, The board looks amazing. I just ordered one with a very similar outline (fuller through the nose), but it’ll have a squash tail rather than a diamond. I thought about doing the fluted channel like yours, but ended up going with a 5-fin setup so I could do the thruster thing ocassionally. I would love to hear about how this board works in different conditions

kool man i really enjoyed your build thread.  i was taking notes the whole way through.  plus the yellow looks rad.

thanks Bud!

windyy ya work mate. I didnt even stop to watch the vids, I just kept scrolling as the stills were job!

love seeing you work in a confined space, doing everything in the one room, I love it. Im in a similar situation, its all about being organised, in fact Ive spent more time getting my "shaping-glassing-sanding-repairing" bay organised than I have pumping out boards.

board looks great, was wondering is that going to track given that deep bottom contour?

cheers mate


     Howzit Bud, Nice board, but why use the yellow squeege for the whole glassing process? I used my Thalco squeege for the lay up then would use a yellow just for finishing the rails. I am old schooled an cut an inch off my Thalco to make it more flexable and we only used them in the days of yore. Aloha,Kokua