Any recommendations on fixing a bad tint job on the lam layer? I used a dark blue tint and it didn’t come out very good. When I got done my wife said it looked like my 6 month old colored it with crayons. I haven’t hot coated it yet. Should I try and hot coat it with a darker color?
she couldve been a lil nicer!
you can do a thin coat of more blue resin,then hotcoat,or just glass it and ride it. it may look messy, but who cares…you made it…enjoy it
When we get a bad resin tint job we do some sort of resin splash with multiple complimenting colors to cover up the mistake. Try to pour thin stripes to avoid build-up so you don’t have to sand them down. The stripes help hide any imperfectious that you may have in you tint job. I also makes it easy to cover up ding repairs!
theres no such thing as a bad board tint the hot coat the same blue and the gloss…did you strain the tinted resin?..wait til she is asleep then tell her you sold the other board and tell her this is a different one and you did itt better this time…see if she can tell or not…test the with critix…you are getting better with every board you make and trying new things is what makes it so…ambrose…charge extra for the tint and say it was on purpose
hahaha, nice response!