I am looking for advice for a surf trip between January-March of next year in the Bahamas. I’m looking for semi hollow right point break that is consistent through the spring. I've done Barbados and caught it very well a few years back, but looking for a different wave. I’m bringing along my girlfriend so in a dream world it would be nice to find some decent accommodations. She has the impression that Nica and Costa Rica are too third world. Any thoughts and advice would be greatly appreciated.
costa is no longer near the 3rd world place it used to be—tamrindo is so yankee that it’s like LA! but down the coast in nosara is a nice developed but not over developed area you both could have fun surf and good things to do on land----the bahamas is very inconsistent for surf and the weather can get really weird…
I've been to the Bahamas enough times that I've lost count, and enough different islands that I almost lost count of those too. I don't go to surf, however; I go to walk around in ankle deep water on vibrant turtle grass flats and wave a long carbon tube that launches a weighted line with a tiny shrimp or crab imitation that I tied the night before attached to the end of the line in the hope that the bonefish I've been stalking for 10 minutes will eat. Fly fishing, in other words.
Eleuthera and Elbow Cay (off Abaco) have the best and most known surf spots, but it's same swell sources as us, so it's kinda fickle. Most of the people I know that go there to surf wait for a predictable swell and hop out there for that event. No right points that I know of. I went to Cat Island a few years back and saw some potential there, but access to the reefs is next to impossible. I thought I'd discovered some new thing but when I got home I talked to a friend who said he went there with Dewey Weber in 1967 :-)
Good accomodations are available, but they're big $. Rental cars are old rust-buckets for $500/week. Transporting boards there is a giant hassle unless you charter (more $s). Don't plan on a cheap trip.
Ever been to Hawaii? For a gf/wife trip at that time of year it would be the call. Still in the USA, holy land of surfing, potential sway-bro aloha, etc., etc.
I second Hawaii Bob, if Betsy wants beautiful accomadations and you want to surf while she is watching you from the pool drinking Lava flows " my wifes favorite " Turtle Bay is the place. Roughly $2,500.00 for 8 days including airfaire thru Priceline for two. I just checked it out for the wife and I in Feb, long ass flight from the East Coast but worth it, been there twice.
I have friends that have 2 houses on a island just south of elbow called tilloo cay and the waves at elbow can get really good. There is like a minny north shore there with a bunch of different waves right next to each other.Nassua has a world class wave at love beach but it is long paddle and quite sharky but it fricken goes off.
I’m looking for semi hollow right point break that is consistent through the spring.
Sorry bro, no such thing in the Bahamas. And if there was, no one in their right mind would say it in a public forum. Right hand reefs are available in PR that time of year. Anywhere you go with your chick will be crowded, and places that are not are very expensive or secret.
But if you do find it, let us all know here,, hehe
15 years ago I spent a little over a month exploring Eleuthera. I stayed centrally located at the Rainbow Inn north of Govenor's Harbor. There is plenty of good surf between James Point and Gregorytown. The most popular place is Surfer's beach which is a gentle reef break that offers a long workable left and a right that takes you into some shallow fire coral. As mentioned most of the waves are lefts here. Travel to Eleuthera is pricey. I've looked into going back several times but can't justify the cost. It is an awesome place to surf and visit though. Definately off the beaten path. The fishing and snorkleing are second to none.
Thanks to all who have responded. All information is very helpful.
Walrus- Im researching the Nosara area to see what its going to cost for a trip down there for a week. Thanks.
Mike D- My brother used to play basketball for UH back in the day so I am familiar with Oahu as I used to go there in the mid 80's. Oahu was very crowded and I ran into alot of hassles in the water. Maybe badluck and bad timing. What Island would you recommend? Definitely would like to catch a few of the Sways family. That bonefishing trip is on my list!
Thomas- I get a sick feeling when I hear "Turtle Bay" because I almost landed a two year job there building their golf course only to fall through the week before I was to leave...Imagine that...!! That probably makes the most sense as long as the surf is not 30 feet(from the back of the wave). You should book with us...
surfercross-Thanks for the information as it is all helpful in making a decision.
Crafty- I'll PM you that special break in the Bahamas when I find It!!
Mako- Eleuthera is very pricey. Hard to justify not knowing if theres going to be surf.
Boco-Rio- Thanks for the info.
JJWalker- If was going alone i would go to Nica or Peru for sure. Next trip..
I'll geep you all in the loop and report back on my choosen destination.
What are the dates you were planning on going, and where, my wife and I would love to spend a week with the big guy and Betsy, also JJWalker is right about Nicaragua, You know I just got back from Managua and it's very 3rd world, locals are very nice and the surf outstanding but a very poor area
I was thinking Oahu and I think you should give it another chance, especially if the gf hasn't been there. Yeah, you won't be surfing by yourself, but there's so many great waves.
Since you were looking at Caribbean spots, consider the Virgin Islands. Not as many spots as Barbados, and not as consistent, but I know people who've done the wife/gf thing there - girls consider it a romantic destination.
Or if you're really set on that world-class point break, take her to Santa Barbara and surf the secret-spot-by-the-freeway that's just down the road. You can meet a couple hundred new friends while you're at it... El Nino winter is going to be good there. Then go down State St. for evening entertainment/dining and watch the $$s disappear!
Its up in the air between Turtle Bay and Nosarra at the moment. Betsy has a problem with the long flight to Hawaii. I'm working on her... I would be cool as hell to get up with you guys. I'll keep you posted.
$$$ symbols attached to Santa Barbara trip is not setting well ; 0 ). I think you are right about giving Oahu another chance. Hopefully I can get Betsy onboard with he idea. Thanks for all your input!! I'll keep you posted.
Sweeeeet!!! Another classic Thomas! Hope I get a spin on her on some island.
Soulstice.......Damn man, where the hell have you been?? Been a long time since I seen you around here. I think of you when I'm snappin nasty turns on my 10'6" log that was dialed in with that 11" pivot fin you turned me on to. Great to see you back.I hope all’s well.
I have talked to my friends who grew up in the Bahama and surf. They said the northern Islands don’t really get rideable waves but down in the southern part there are some good spots.