bali horror

to all previous bali travellers and surfboard manufacturers. we have lost a truly great number of friends and fellow surfers… as a true believer in bali and the wonderful people who live there i have many vested interests there. among them a great friend who i have mentored thruogh building a factory to make boards… the factory was being set up for all you travelling shapers to go in and make your boards and you indo taemriders boards while you were there. john is not to be found!!! as usual on a saturday night some of the staff, john & any of the visiting shapers/ manufacturers would go out!! as yet at least 2 ofthe staff are unacounted for and john also… this is on monday morning… john was an true believer in the craftsmanship of his people he invested so much money in giving the balinese as surfers an oppotunity that we all take for granted… a custom surfboard!!! i havent lost hope but i vow to return to bali as often as i can to support the real people who have been there for us surfers for 30 years… time and time again as the news pictures flash by i see the places i sit on a saturday night a drink beer with the local surfers and watch the revellers circus!!! as the fingers are pointed at el quada and terrorist etc… just think about not supporting any organized crime or illegal activitys at all any where. do unto others etc etc my comisserations to all who have lost friends & family… dave

Althoug I have never been to Bali, both of my sons have spent some great times there. I am sorry for the loss of your friends. Along with all the others that are now gone.

Althoug I have never been to Bali, both of my sons have spent some great > times there. I am sorry for the loss of your friends. Along with all the > others that are now gone. thanks ray its a bit hard to believe… seeing one of your staff s body parts in a pile?!! let make this world better

would imbibing illycit substances, manufactured in makeshift home labs be considered supporting organised crime and illegal activities???Most people that cook are pretty well organised.