Balsa Wood

I am interested in shaping a balsa board. However, I am having trouble finding large beam-sized balsa pieces. Does anyone know where i can get balsa in the santa cruz area?

You might be out of luck for anyone near you. Doug Haut and Greg Noll both get balsa from Frost Lumber in San Diego, also General Veneer in L.A. has wood, but is more expensive. I can arrange to have wood drop shipped from Frost or contact Mike Mansfield @ Frost.

I bought some balsa from a guy up north of us. I had Doug Haut build me a balsa railed board using this wood. I can’t think of the name of the guy but he had a add on this site at one time. I can’t even find it now. Does any one out there remember this guy up north of Santa Curz that was trained by Ole and made boards and sold Balsa?

Bob Miller at ASD in Burlingame?

Walker Foam has Balsa Blanks in stock. 310 513 1940

Does any one out there remember this guy up north of Santa Curz that was trained by Ole and made boards and sold Balsa? Paul Krause. He has a cool surf shop just North of Fort Bragg.

How about Bill Hoopes up in Humboldt?

Ya that is the guy that I got my Balsa from. I went to that web site but there to contact him. Can anyone help?