Bamboo Breakthrough

This changes everything.

Or pretty much everything.  Like the minds of those detractors who said this couldn’t be done.  Some of you said that this was something that mankind had no right to dabble in.  You laughed and called me a fool.  You said that man should not play god.  But now, I have crossed that boundary.  After years in the lab and in the water, I give you……


…..bamboo stained with tempera paint using only implements available in my garage.  And a misting spray bottle my wife doesn't know I took from under the sink.  I  call it colored bamboo.  You will call it a breakthrough.


Let me be the first to say that I didn’t discover bamboo.  Nor did I figure out how to turn those irregular hollow tubes into smooth flat sheets that look like furniture.  I  don’t know how that is done. But I did develop a very cheap way to stain bamboo using tempera paint.  Tempera paint, you will remember is used somehow in Japanese restaurants to fry shrimp.  Here I have used it to fill a massive void in the knowledge base of what some will call “bamboo science”, or BS for short.


I know you have doubts.  You are saying “Wow, this is some serious BS, Greg.   The true test of your work will be its performance in waves of consequence”.  That is why I have set up the sticky above that allows you to donate money via PayPal to send me to Australia for 3 months so that I can really give this technology a chance to be tested.  And test it I will.  I’ll test it every day that it is over 3 feet with offshore winds.  I’ll test every primary color in which tempera paint can be found.  I’ll test until my stomach bleeds with rashes, until my arms are noodles, until I have been shacked in every pitching wave I can find.  And faithfully, I will report back everything I can remember about my experiences and all the BS I come across.  I will write some of it down.


Please give generously.  There is no cure for garage surfboard building:




*No Swaylockians were abused in the development of this new technique. Gary, I am sorry if this little spoof is stupid. You are still the man.  I meant no disrespect.


**And Rusty, I know things about bamboo, besides color.   No spoofing.  PM me.  I'm in SD in a few weeks.




[Layout the bamboo panels, use a razor knife and straight edge to cut 1-inch strips, lay them out on paper, dilute the tempera paint with water so it will just stain and not completely cover the bamboo grain, let it dry.  Don't use red.  It just looks pink if you do.  Of course, the strips curled up after drying so I re-wet with  a mist of water and coiled them up and let them dry again.  Then tape the strips on to the main bamboo panel (like you would if building balsa skins), on the OUTSIDE of the bamboo, use your template to mark and cut the outline shape with sicssors, and bag them on.  Be brave and bag both sides in the same pull.  The colored strips came out pretty crisp on the lines in spite of how the fuzzy pics show.  I will glass this weekend and post some more pic's next week.  With sicssors, the cut lines are so even that you really don't need a pinline to hide the edge. You can clean up the edges with a little sanding  if you wobble on the cut.  But, it just looks better with a pinline, so I will use some automotive pinline tape.  Right now it weighs 2 pounds and 1 oz.  It is 5-11 and I used 1.5 pound foam from Ken at Segway.  Love his foam.]






BEAUTIFUL, on all counts.    Spoof was good too.

Hilarious post, and sweet looking ride!

   Howzit Greg, I have a friend who is an artist and he splits bamboo in half the long way and paints pictures inside of the bamboo,they are really good and fetch a big price at the gallery.Aloha,Kokua


Dims please

I’m sure it cannot be as simple as you described. A whole lot more of BS lies behind all that. You’d better share your building secrets with me or I’ll tell Kathryn to go and see what’s missing under the sink.

hahaaaaaaa, this clearly is the “post of the year”. greg be ensured you’ll be rewarded for sharing this breakthrough.

this little stick looks so sweet…;-O




Tempera paint, you will remember is used somehow in Japanese restaurants to fry shrimp.



Thanks for the early morning laugh. You’ve clearly filled that massive ‘BS’ void.



Great looking board, Greg.  Except for the goofy blue racing stripes covering the pretty wood.  Kidding.  Mike

This is some serious BS, Greg…I tried it and the shrimp turned out horribly.

Greg, The check is in the Mail. 

Onward with the further developement of BS!!! 

Very funny post, and a nice looking board.  Are you planning on not making some bamboo fins for it?

Nice work GT.  This board below was done by taping a strip of mahogany in the middle of bamboo.  I did it to make the bamboo wider for this board and the cosmetics looked nice as a result.  Colored bamboo just adds yet another arrow to the quiver. 






Greg any glass under the bamboo or is it bagged strait to the foam?

So that's why those shrimp are pink......

Here's one I've been working on that uses 1" 'edge strip' bamboo off the roll.  It comes in natural and carbonized color.

For HARD CORE EXTREME surfers only!


Greg, THat is wow, insane!!!! Beautiful job. Mahalo

Rooster - don’t I still owe you some bamboo panels?

Balsa, there is more BS where that came from.

Girvin, this is the first for me without glass under the bamboo.  I thought I would try it, but I’ll put some extra glass on top in the needed areas.  Still nervous though.

Swied - well, yeah, I started not making fins last night.  Worked it pretty hard for, I don’t know, 5 or 10 minutes.  Ordered some Greg Griffin’s and poured a big  frosted mug of beer.  All done.

GL - the pic didn’t come through but I have seen the board. Looks fabulous, but inter-species mixing of genetic material is just wrong.  Mahogany and bamboo?  What happens if it gets loose from the lab.

John - very nice, I am pretty sure Bob Simmons had beat us both to it.

Larry - Thanks so much.  I’m one box short of a quad.  Hmmm, I think I just coined a phrase.  I think I can get one in time to go ProBox with this one and still use my Griffin fins.

And Mike D, you are a smart ass.  Like me.  Only better.

You and Shwuz probably need to contact the guru Chandler.

He wants to know how hard it is to make his own bamboo skinned contraptions instead of outsourcing the work off island.

I told him twisting was an issue since he's so particular about that kind of thing.

so rocker table might be required to prevent that and I'm not sure if he really should glass them in the bag at the same time likes he's envisioning.

I haven't heard of anyone bagging on the glass with lot of success.

I guess he heard from his sources that this t-flex bagging was a simple process.

you're probably contibuting to the rumor here.

why's everyone humping my "BamBlue" concept but then again I bet this must some kind of tar heel thing right?

Oh yea I've switched to doing the opposite and now just put a 6" strip of my super thick woven bamboo wall covering down the middle or as a deck patch and cover the rest with something else if not just plain balsa because the woven stuff acts and manipulates like 10oz carbon fiber in my opinion..