Bamboo Panels for Fins

just picked these up from asda here in the uk hoping to make a few fins from it.

nice! how thick? is there any manufactures info inside that tag?

I found these too

kind of an odd dimension but you could easiy get a tri-fin set out the the bigger the foot on them might make quads more of a challenge but probably possible.

220mm x 290mm x 10mm


large enuf for a longboard d fin? any one have any templates i could try?


im sure when i was in florida last week i saw them in target or publix or some where like that.


cheers charlie

it’ll do

but its kind of thick 1/2"?

1/4" seems to be just about if you’re foiling and glassing them with 6+ layers per side prior to putting them on


10mm is about 3/8" it just fits a center finbox as is so will need a little off to allow for glass but not a hole lot as the  6 layers per side seams quite alot  or is that the norm i have never used bambo before ?? eather way it will be fun to try  and should look cool.