Bamboo Panels for Fins

I’ve weeded through the archives and can’t seem to find anything up to date. Anybody have a good source for panels of solid bamboo. I called Greenlight and they are not carring the panels (solid 5/16" board) anymore and couldnt tell me the name of their source.

thanks in advance

Also , on the bamboo topic ....


 I also would like to know ...


  where bamboo 'veneer' is available ,  and the price per metre .


I'm in west australia , but would still be interested to read about the comparative prices , and sources , worldwide , please guys ?


  A fair few months ago now , I got given some ['veneer'] . I made a few 'hockey stick ' fins out of it .


It is paper thin , and tends to 'crack' a bit , when being cut .


   I forgot to ask him where he got it and , unfortunately , no longer have a contact address / phone , or email for him , d'oh !


cheers for any help !



ben give me your adress and i will send you my offcuts  in oak much better than bammboo

did you ever do anything with the soric?


cheers huie

We’ll have more bamboo panels this spring… lost our production methods a while ago but getting it sorted out.


I ran across these guys in Toronto Canada.  They are close to my house so I dropped in to see them today.

They carry:

  • 0.6mm thick bamboo veneer in 1ft x 8 ft sheets
  • 3/16" bamboo ply in 4ft x 8ft sheets
  • thicker bamboo ply from 1/4" up to 3/4"

nice.Thanks!  right now I may be covered Oneula is hooking me up with some of his personal stash. but this is a great resource especially the .6mm.

It’d good to keep this thread up as a way to update the supply chain.

Ben there’s some in the package I have yet to send you. Bernie gave me all sorts of stuff from veneer to full thickness pieces of wood with outlines cut to preshaped wood. I had to move stuff around in my house and it’s buried under boxes so I gotta do some cleaning and get that box out to you.

I used that wood to make fins, then just layed them up on my board. Didn’t get to fancy trying to make layers and layers around the fin, just one or two over the bamboo when I stuck it on the board. 

just in case there’s some cheap 1/4" G10 F4 plates on Ebay for sale 

bought a bunch for fins



SharkBait was supposed to send you a box of goodies I gave him (veneers, japansese printed  washi rice paper, wood fins, wavegrinder thruster set) for christmas. I guess he’s too busy surfing to mail it.

Get on his case.



I have some Bamboo veneer rolls  but they are only 12" wide.

Its the stuff they use for all these bamboo decks you’re seeing

I think sycamore(sp) or paulownia is better suited for salt intrusion though

I’ve got boxes of large sheets of hickory, ebony. red cedar, rosewood, tulipwood and koa we bought to make prefab timberflex skins. Just haven’t had the time and space to dry lam and bag them. I got them online from either JoeWoodworker or The VeneerStore

We made some 2’x8’ sheets years ago out of Makore, beech, mahogany and some other stuff that are still lying around.

we dry lammed the back with either 2oz or 4oz cloth using a roller like Loehr showed in his timberflex demo years ago.

then we bought an attic full of balsa from a widow of an model airplane hobbiest and switched back to just doing 1/16"-1/8" balsa and wiliwili skins which are more forgiving and stronger.

I have the off cuts of the Koa veneer sheets in that stash of goodies. 

Hey Ben, oops i mean Dr. Rubberlove

speaking of bamboo

if you’re having trouble with the veneers

you wanna try some of Brian’s bamboo jersey cloth (i still have a big roll)

it won’t look as pretty but it might make be an interesting experiment for you

You have to stretch it out tight to glass it but a panel made out of this stuff turned into fins might be an interesting thing to see

I’d lay up all the resin soaked layers over and under a bleeder between two mold release polished glass panels and put some weights on it or bag it to make a fin panel of resin hardened bamboo jersey

wow !


  you guys are the best !


huie ,


  thanks very much , I will take you up on that offer , if you don't mind ...does oak come in very thin veneers too , then ? [ I'll 'p.m.' you my addy , mate ! cheers]


  funny you should ask about the coremat ... great timing !


 it was just yesterday that I actually got a chance to cut out and foil the two small side fins I laid them up in that stuff !  nice and light !


I had an existing pair of red tinted [broken] glassons , that I had previously fcs tabbed , so I made two smaller versions , using your coremat [and red tint I had] , to complete a quad set.


When the [fcs] tabs and base have been  finish sanded flush to fit in the walden ,  I will put up some photos ... the quad set look nice at this stage ! [I think I may have done a thread a fair while ago , called  "thanks huie" , maybe ? ...i'll post the photos there , when done , eh ? ]




  thanks very much






p.s. - oneula ...


  it really is ANOTHER ben [you may know him ?  hawaiian swaylockian] , who is the one and only 'rubberlove ' ....funny thing is , his real life surname also starts with 'C' ...but it really AIN'T me , I promise ! [ 2nd clue he also went under the name of 'sir w........'   . true story ]

As a side note:  If Greenlight or one of the other suppliers sold fiberglass fin panels say in 16" by 16" sheets, I’d be a buyer.  Bet a few others would too.  Perhaps offer a few colors.

...whereas the overseas shipping costs make people here balk  at even getting a free 8" x10" fibreglass fin panel , I have found , over my years here on swaylocks . [  Yes , " fins"  is a fairly recent 'chipfish61' re-incarnation , for those who came in late[r] ! ]  

  " It's cheaper / "easier" to make your OWN " , I guess some people imagine ?! 


 Well, it's a pity,   but I guess that's the way [? a lot of ? ] surfers may think , it seems , nowadays .....


and if people get to experience making their own fins from start to finish ...


  ... well, then ... at least some good has come from THAT , I guess !




cheers !



"p.s. - oneula …



  it really is ANOTHER ben [you may know him ?  hawaiian swaylockian] , who is the one and only 'rubberlove ' ....funny thing is , his real life surname also starts with 'C' ...but it really AIN'T me , I promise ! [ 2nd clue he also went under the name of 'sir w........'   . true story ]

is that why "partyboy" ran off to japan? just kidding

miss that guy

sorry about the mistaken ID 

i have about have a dozen 5 fin griffin like experiments as well as bonzer like center fins

what's you schedule for your outside layup?

I'll try and get some pics for you


used to sell smaller fin panel sheets at probox hawaii back in the day


I hate to give up this source but since i bought a dozen for myself these G10 panels are going for $15/each

G10 / FR4 Epoxy Laminate Sheet 1/4" x 9.375" x 15.25"


they are heavy as a rock, hard ro cut and fair but Greg Griffin made me a convert

only thing coming close was those FCS carbonlite and some other certain bagged composite core fins have had the ability to transfer the energy from my 195-205 fat butt to my turns 



For anyboday in the UK who’s looking for bamboo panels for fins, Morrisons supermarket are selling solid bamboo placemats at the moment, £5 a pair.


here’s the bamboo stringer board

if the weather calms down i’ll cut it on the bandsaw into panels and ship it





"p.s. - oneula ...



  it really is ANOTHER ben [you may know him ?  hawaiian swaylockian] , who is the one and only 'rubberlove ' ....funny thing is , his real life surname also starts with 'C' ...but it really AIN'T me , I promise ! [ 2nd clue he also went under the name of 'sir w........'   . true story ]

is that why "partyboy" ran off to japan? just kidding



miss that guy


ME , too  !  humour is good , keeps me [and others?]  sane

sorry about the mistaken ID 


no worries ! 

i have about have a dozen 5 fin griffin like experiments as well as bonzer like center fins


cool !!

what's you schedule for your outside layup?


fcs tabbed ?  if so , i make it thinnest wood possible , maximum glass  [eg wood sliver , 34 layers of four ounce cloth ...wood one or two layers into the panel , then thirty layers of cloth over that ...but that's just me , others obviously would do it different , no doubt ...] 

re: bonzer like centre fin[s] ...finboxed ??  again , I would do the thinnest wood core [?veneer?] possible , slap-bang in the centre of the fin , then twenty plus layers of 6oz either side [at LEAST ! ]  to get it thick enough for a  DECENT thickness when double foiled ...again , others may vary....


I'll try and get some pics for you 

thanks very much ... THAT'S always  much appreciated , mate !

I like you and "sharkboy"'s work[s] !     ....keep up the good stuff , guys !  [and the comedy banter too , eh ?!   ..... keep it FUN !! ] 

  cheers !



That looks perfect. Thanks. Love the 7" tape measure lol


For anyboday in the UK who's looking for bamboo panels for fins, Morrisons supermarket are selling solid bamboo placemats at the moment, £5 a pair.



" For anyboday in the UK  "


well , i'm not in england , toDAY my boDAY is in aussie [or is that aussay ?  ha !]


  but ....


 I'm  just interested ....  how long , and wide , and thick they 'woood beee' , please , 'rugs' a million  ?


    cheers , mate !




[Also ...would there be any chance you could sneak a photo of them , while in the store .... or , would that trigger "security " to come running from all directions , I wonder ?!]