
Year Built2019
ShaperAny one that shaped something Wierd & Different.
Manufacturer"Home Built"
Model Namebanana
LocationCape Town, South Africa

6.6’ / 22" / 3.5" single fin.
EPS core, epoxy resin
8oz bottom, 12oz top
Used the “blending curves” “nug d” outline :
Rocker 4.5" N / 2" T
Flat bottom.
This is my first board. I wanted something easy to paddle to catch weak hip-high- on/cross shore summer waves that had characteristics of a long board yet could fit in my small car. I didn’t want to shape something that I could easily buy!
I have surfed it once. It is obviously ‘corky’ yet seems to turn okay. IT seems to push/plough water and slows/stalls after take-off. Too muck rocker maybe? Too much drag in the rails??
Any feedback would be appreciated.