I just took possession of a new blank, which was damaged in shipping. Returning is problemmatic. It has several dents on the bottom, about two feet down from the nose, the largest of which is about lemon-sized and about 3/16" deep. It is a close-tolerance Takayama, and I’m hoping that once skinned and (mildly) thinned, the remaining depression will be small. From the threads I searched, it seems possible to build up with resin and cabosil if there is still a problem.
Is that the best way to go? I wondered if there might be a problem since the dent is relatively shallow.
Howzit moss, If this is a poly blank then use a heat gun or hair dryer on the dents, the heat expands the compressed gas and will raise the foam in the dented areas. Just be careful not to burn the blank.Aloha,Kokua
you can usually heat gun most if not all of the dent out , unless its a walker blank. you can do a search on here and get info on how to do it. you can also use spackle from home depot or any hardware store to fill it up ( especially if its a walker!). tape around the dents, press the spackle in and then squeegee it off the blank, over the tape using a plastic, sharp squeegee, take off the tape and it should be flush. if you have a little ridge, you can usually smear/blend it in with your finger or just wait till it dries and screen it lightly. for the really minor ones , they’ll probably just fill in with the lam and hot coat. you can also put your label over the dents too, so it looks like nothing ever happened.
EPS is a thermo-plastic, which means that heat can melt it. PU is a thermo-setting plastic (once set, heat won’t melt it, although excess heat will BURN it).