Baords on flights

Hey, I want to take to boards with me to Bali we head over soon. I w32ant to take an 8’6 and a 7’6. Thing is I don’t want to fork out the $300 for a double board bag to fit them in. Has anyone strapped two boards in their own covers together to make one? reason for this is to make it easier to carry them around out of the airport.

Just a thought, maybe back a few straps, check them in as separate items then strap them together at other end??


Baggage throwers will destroy your boards. Get a proper bag and add lots of extra padding.

i took 5 boards in one of the most durable international bags and brought 1 back, that 1 was wrapped in everything the 5 boards were wrapped in. That 1 board, with 5 layers of bubble and a TON of foam still got fucked up.

Some places rent bags, where are you out of?

If you have a hotel or somewhere with an address I heard shipping them ahead was cheaper/better. I haven’t tried it though.

Lol… 8 footers to Bali? Your nuts dude.

May mate, see my other post about struggling on a short board. Im taking the 8’6 for places like Canguu and Medewi. I’ve got my 7’6 fish for other waves.

i was referring to the UPS comment. not your board selection

IMO it all comes down to the carrier (airline) you are flying with. 5 guys, 16 boards in 5 bags, biggest was 9’4, flying Singapore Air to Ments.
Transfered to Indo Air & on to Padang. I was the shaper for 14 of the 16. Some guy named Merrick did the other two. All boards intact to the boat with no dings except one 9’ which had a large rail ding when the pickup guy slammed the board bag down into the bed of one of those tiny Indo trucks and caught the tailgate right on the rail. Fixed in 10 minutes on the boat the next day. Like I said, the carrier is everything. I will never take a longboard on Hawaiian Air. Not years ago, not now, not ever. I can send a file, have a board cut and scrubbed, then glassed and be perfect waiting for me when I get there. A longboard arrives in pieces. At least 3 pieces. Shortboards might be different, but if you pack your boards the Pat O’Connell way, you are just tempting fate. Just my 2c…
PS: Longboards were packed into roller bags with other boards (usually 3) of descending size in Ocean & Earth bags which come with a sleeve. Pipe foam insulation was cut & fitted to the rails of the biggest board in all bags.

I agree. But those Pro-Lite roller bags are worth every penny. Not only do I fly with those, I use them to carry boards on top of the car when traveling on longer drives. I’ve gotten away from using pipe insulation for the rails, which I think is a really good method. I now use cardboard (ubiquitous Amazon boxes these days) with bubble wrap (plenty of that stuff laying about in my shop) tacked on using that 3M 77 spray adhesive and lots of masking tape to secure it all.

And BTW, how does Pat O’Connell pack his boards? Sounds interesting.

Just got back to Hawaii from San Diego. My brother bought a board there and we brought it back. He had cardboard rail saving material made for surfboards, and small foam rolls, like the stuff you’d use in a pool. Once we wrapped the rails and secured them with straps, we added our wetsuits, booties and gloves and used a roll of stretch wrap to hold it all tightly together. Then we stuffed the board bag with assorted clothing and the beach towels. The bag was kid of heavy so we took some of the stuff out. One person could carry it, but the two of us carried it to and from the car to the airport check in.
We’ve done similar flying inter-island in Hawaii with 2 boards in a double bag. Always wrap the rails with protective material, then add assorted clothing for extra padding. The bag has to be wide enough for the extra padding on the rails. We live on different sides of the island, so once we got back, I went to my house and he went to his. I haven’t talked to him and I haven’t heard anything, so I think the board made it home without any problems. But this was 2 Hawaiians flying on Hawaiian Airlines. They may have been nice to us.