Barnfield Does Balsa Sandwich... Sort of

Xlaser- Sail with the dog !!!! Wives don't make good sailing companions !!!!

You will find some fun surf in the area if you don’t mind some exploring.  Drew Kampion lives on Whidbey Island!  I had a friend who flew P-3s.  Amazing stories he COULDN’T talk about.

That looks like a fun little boat.  But I would check out the J24s in the Northwest.  The economy there has totally tanked so I bet you could get a fantastic deal one.  They are widely available and if you don’t mind doing some work on them, you can often get them super cheap including trailer.  Your camping would be a whole lot drier with a more substantial cabin to store your gear.  Don’t forget how much it rains in the Northwest!

rain......what rain?


 The center console was bought new from Jones Brothers Marine


That's a really nice console but I'm dissapointed you didn't build your own. Then again, I've been saying I saying I was going to fabricate a new one for my skiff forever, but haven't gotten around to it.

Hell, you could do an acid splash console and really confuse the local boatbuilders.

Barnfield appears to have cornered the market in technicolor Awlgrip.

Aloha Mike

Actually that is Dupont Imron.  Awlgrip has limited colors while Imron can be mixed in pretty much any colored desired.  I supplied the Pantone #s and they nailed the colors exactly!

While I am getting close to done, there are no shortage of obstacles that keep popping up!  Just found out that the bottom paint I expected to use in not available on the island!  3 weeks wait if they order it in.

Then as I was preparing various hardware to reattach to the deck, I discovered that 3 of the 4 bow pulpit’s mounting pads have cracks and need replacing or welding…

Here are some photos of the hardware holes drilled oversize and filled with Epoxy to seal the core.

[img_assist|nid=1047814|title=Deck Epoxied Holes Bow|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=480|height=640]

Unfinished Rudder being test fitted to the hull

[img_assist|nid=1047815|title=Rudder Test Fit To Hull|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=480|height=640]


Ha! Ha!  That’s funny!

I thought you might get a kick out of that Bill; I just couldn't resist the opportunity for a well placed smartass remark.  Surprisingly though, we'd had blue skies for about the last 2 weeks until today and the coldest temps I can remember within my lifetime, I think it dipped down to 8 one day, that's right at the beach! The waves have been great too so it's made for an abundance of numb body parts.


I still have those old shaping racks you gave me and they're working great, I've done a couple dozen boards on 'em and I think they still got some juice left  :0)


Just to stay on topic I must say your "balsa sandwich" project is coming along nice and to watch it progress is a pretty refreshing step up from some of the dribble I've seen on sways lately.  When I saw the thread title I couldn't click on the link fast enough, what I found inside was both disappointing and exciting at the same time, lol. Keep us posted.  aloha, Adam Foster

Crazy as it probably sounds, I miss the refreshing snap that cold water brings to ones senses.

Glad I could help.  Were you able to bust them apart and get them to be height adjustable again?  There is some strong Mana in those racks, they should produce some magic boards!  Some very famous shapers, shaped boards on those racks.  In fact, pretty much every name in the book.  If you sit quietly and listen, those racks could tell you more design secrets, gathered from more famous shapers, then any racks in the world.

Yeah, I was kind of teasing a bit with that title, but never fear, one day I will post some photos of surfboards that will more honestly reflect the threads title.

Catch a big, thick, cold wave for me!

Bill I love this thread because it show that a lot of us older board builders are not just one dimensional .It shows that we have learned what the materials we work with will do.And we do more than just surf.(allthough still #1)

I agree Riomar.  The world is a big and wonderful place, I am just trying to grab as big a chunk of it as I can, before I have to leave this place.


Crazy as it probably sounds, I miss the refreshing snap that cold water brings to ones senses.


I agree to an extent, as a surfer there's no way I could survive up here if I didn't, but I sure could use a trip to the tropics right about now. :0p  ....and winter is still in its infancy......


Glad I could help.  Were you able to bust them apart and get them to be height adjustable again?  There is some strong Mana in those racks, they should produce some magic boards!  Some very famous shapers, shaped boards on those racks.  In fact, pretty much every name in the book.  If you sit quietly and listen, those racks could tell you more design secrets, gathered from more famous shapers, then any racks in the world.


I never could break them apart.  I tried a couple different products that seemed to do a pretty good job at taking care of the rust, but the piece that screws in and out for adjusting the height was rusted pretty bad and pretty much turned to dust when I tried to turn it.  That was all she wrote for my hopes at adjustability, but maybe someday I'll try to drill it out and get them moving again (I have pretty much no metalworking experience, but maybe there's a sways equivalent, eh).  For now I have them mounted to some pretty heavy old cedar fence posts that lay horizontal to the ground, and then I used a bench planer to take down some 2x4 blocks that when mounted to the four corners of the fence posts make the racks sit level.  If I need a little more height, I just shim a couple more blocks on the corners. Even shimmed up the racks are incredibly stable and work great for me.


The mana in these racks is def not something I take lightly! I recognized that the moment I picked them up from behind your shop, and that's why I went through the trouble of shipping them back here and having a go at reconditioning them.  Sometimes when a board is right down to finish shaping and I'm eyeing everything over very carefully, maybe running my hands down the rails or the bottom trying to feel how the water will flow or staring down the curves (where hopefully there are no flat spots :0p ) and it'll just hit me like a ton of bricks that on these racks some of the greatest shapers in the world have done the exact thing that I'm doing at that moment. It's a moment that all of our hardships at learning how to build our new toy are forgotten, and we bask in the sense of pride at what we've created.  It's a feeling that every person on this message board shares in common, so describing it any deeper than that is "preaching to the choir" so to speak.  So yeah Bill, between cuts with the planer I am quiet, my senses are acute and I hear what they're telling me  :0)





Yeah, I was kind of teasing a bit with that title, but never fear, one day I will post some photos of surfboards that will more honestly reflect the threads title.



I eagerly await that day!!


Catch a big, thick, cold wave for me!


I'll catch two, have a good one Bill


Oh and P.S. - Here's some pictures of my latest batch, hopefully I didn't bastardize the legacy of these racks too much, haha.  The board with the tinted balsa deck and the resin swirl is magic, the first board I've built that's been my "go-to" over all my store bought boards.  Surfed soooo good on the last swell we had.  We're veering dangerously off topic now.      












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