Beach Bunnies..

"document not found "…

check this , however, Bill …

[I’ll send it to you pm , so my mate hicksy doesn’t have to pull the plug …


OK, check:

then click on “women” (unless you prefer “men”, of course)…

"this page cannot be displayed "

…come on bill …you’re busted mate !

It works with me?

I guess the girls don’t want to let YOU in, Ben… Ahahah…

france has no censorship laws??

anyone here play / played “chubby bunny” ??

FUN for all the family …ask me how !


[surfboard-related , because you can play it while sitting on your rocker…]

Hey Chipper,

I’m getting a bit worried about what you have on your computer. Dame Edna and now this!!!

Hmmmmm…this can’t be good…

blue flames , spit the winkles and chubby bunnies too …man , the google imageland is one funky country to visit , I discovered …


for anyone wanting to play , here’s the scenario / props needed to play “chubby bunnies” [previously pictured]

okay , here we go …

two options …both within five minutes max !

a really large bag of marshmallows each ,

OR a loaf of bread each .

NO liquid whatsoever allowed !!

The person who eats and swallows the most [without chundering] wins .

like I say , fun for all the family .

try it at your next boardriders club meeting . Three people at a time max to compete . byo bread or / and marshmallows .

oh , and did I mention …week old [at least] bread .

try it with a wheatbix as well

thats near impossible

i think kiwis play it with wheatbix eh…

cant remember how the game goes exactly

but its hell funny


try it with a wheatbix as well

thats near impossible

i think kiwis play it with wheatbix eh…

cant remember how the game goes exactly

but its hell funny

…aka ''dry mouth munchies after-‘billy’ torture"

ahhh …memories !

Hey Ben,

Here, you can find girls like these in the supermarket just picking up something at the lower shelf. Can you imagine???

Now, talking seriously, here are three very talented girls from Brazilian beaches…

Jeff , whatever happened to Tita Tavares ?? Does she still compete ?

And young Sofia Mulanovich from Peru is a looker too eh , as well as a hot surfer .

Rochelle Ballard is still my favourite though , along with Lisa Anderson . Seems Stephanie Gilmore is on fire too !

… All GREAT surfers , for sure !


…anyone here remember Wendy Botha ? Frieda Zamba ? Jodie Cooper ? Pam Burridge ? Lynn Boyer ? Margo Godfrey Oberg ? …where are they now ?

[maybe we need a ladies world champ thread , with photos , to pay tribute to them ? cos you sure don’t seem to see or hear from them in the mags , nowadays … DO they have a “Quiksilver Masters [mistresses?!] Tour” planned for them ? don’t think so…]

Here in the States we have federally-sponsored contests to see who can be the fastest to eat 10 Saltine crackers & then whistle the national anthem.

Funny Bunny is played by seeing who can put the most grapes in their mouth without chewing & still say “Funny Bunny” with all those grapes in there. A friend once got to 26 but lost 'em all when someone asked, with that talent, had he ever considered being gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Wow this thread is degenerating. Sorry. Back on track.


is this what happens afteer you sell off yer tools?

you start talkin to strange at the beach?

is it because you got a BIG board?


illness … symptoms

which would you prefer ?

big brazilian girls

big tool[s]

big board[s]

big wave[s] from the ladies

big ego

big mouth

big paycheck[s] ,


in my case

big flame ??

…have a blast amby ,


have an amber blast ?

ben or neb


Here in the States we have federally-sponsored contests to see who can be the fastest to eat 10 Saltine crackers & then whistle the national anthem.

out WHICH end , though ?

Hey Ben,

Tita and Jaqueline are our representants in women WCT division. There’s a new talent called Silvana Lima who rips and is almost qualified to next year’s tour.

I remember all of those brilliant women listed above (add Jericho Poppler). I think we need a thread called “somewhere in the past” or “where are you?” to dig some information about those legends.