Beach Bunnies..

No offense meant to our lady members but…

Tell me about your beach girls.

I just met a couple of very fine Brazilian ladies and it got me wondering who else is out there and what the ladies are like else where. My buddy from Argentina tells me Brazilian women are super fun but hot heads.

For those of you who don’t think this has anything to do with surfboard design I call upon chipfish to install his new pic and remind us how…uhm…naked the beaches would be without the girls.

Think of a nice shape and riding it! Sounds like surfing to me.

I wanna hear from France, Brazil, Tahiti, East coast, Australia, NZ, South Africa, Indo, Everywhere.


Not that I care, but for chips benefit, include pics.


i thought you were supposed to go surfing. atleast i have an excuse to be at home on a nice sunny afternoon with good surf.

As much as I enjoy the female form, this rings of another forum.

But make sure they are riding boards in the pics, then we can compare shapes!

Brazilian girls???..It’s just a sample…enjoy it!

Let’s try again…

I’m trying in line, but it doesn’t work…

Okay I’ll be first to taint this sacred site…

But this native Hawaiian Punahou grad Orthodontist, canoe paddler, model and community activitst and her brother would kick most of all your *sses in some serious stuff… Just like the Phd at Mavs… And she does it in a Gemini with her bro…

She just won the last Underground Northshore tow-in event at big Avalanche this past winter…

Malia Kamisugi’s the name…


Not that I care, but for chips benefit, include pics.

SURE …YOU care , buddy , my god , you CARE !!

Just for YOU, Gary dear …

there you go big Gaz ! [hope you enjoyed that ? oh , and don’t let the photo fool you …ol’ “D.E”. rips , no doubt !!]

…now , take Dave’s advice , and go surfing !

Dave , all the best with your plaster-off manouevre today eh ?

I look forward to you taking big Gaz surfing soon ! [if he doesn’t want to …then make him film you surfing ! You need footage for that movie of yours , remember !]

cheers mate !


Dude I did go out. I posted this before.

(Dave have you been to el tarrasco and seen Brenda?

Go check it out and we’ll see who the kook is…)

Im gonna go out tomorrow as well.

The point was throwing way out…

Sorry Chipster the only pics I got are the ones of a liquid curtain burned into my mind.

C’mon boys what makes the beach girls unique in your country/town?

…glad you got some waves .

Does “Brenda” look like the "australia’s most famous beach girl " attachment I included for your enjoyment ?

Mind over looks Gary …

deep and meaningful chipfish

well what makes them unique three hours from the corpus in texas is that probally about 60 or 70% are ‘overweight’

who you calling “overweight” ???

[Gary , I’m trying my best to finish this thread , before it ends up on one of those “other sites” …]

BEHOLD…Brenda the Brazilian…

well, THAT should finish it …


Dude I did go out. I posted this before.

(Dave have you been to el tarrasco and seen Brenda?

Go check it out and we’ll see who the kook is…)

Im gonna go out tomorrow as well.

The point was throwing way out…

Sorry Chipster the only pics I got are the ones of a liquid curtain burned into my mind.

C’mon boys what makes the beach girls unique in your country/town?

i like tia rosa better, the foods better. and as far as employees go you cant beat tk.

you know that nice white railing as you enter headquarters? well, im the one responsible for getting it painted. it took me three weeks. i would sit inside and wait for girl to come onto the pier, run out, pretend to paint, and try to strike up a convo with the girls. they’d leave and id go back inside until the next ones came onto the pier.

thats how gangstas get it done in the OC.


“…try to strike up a convo with the girls. they’d leave …”

I know the feeling .    Makes for funny reading, though ...thanks Dave !!

Brazilian girls???..It’s just a sample…enjoy it!

do they ALL do this, whenever you take them to meet your mum and dad ?? [THAT could get a little embarrassing at times]

“Come on , I just want you to pose nicely for a family photo , just once … something nice to send to your folks at home …”

Check that: