becker 9'6'' fix up

hello,just a kook here, I dont know much about suf board production but I have an older becker 9’6 that I would like to restore a bit and get it in the water. its not in horrid condition but has a fair share of dings and the nose is a bit chewed up. it had a very sloppy soft repair on the nose that i am ripping off. also it had been spray painted on the deck.I removed that as well as the wax so as to see what condition it was in. the foam is a bit yellowed, there a several preasure dings on both the deck and the bottom some have a little discoloring and I was wondering A.what to do to get it water tight? B.what are my options for having some fun with the color? here is what I thought would work. repair the nose and fix/fill the large dings(following steps from the doc’s repairing tips) then rough sand the whole board,paint it with spray paint,then gloss over the paint. will this just be a disaster or might it work,what materials shold i use. thanks for the helpin advance