beginner's board

I’m making a board for someone who is completely new to surfing. He is 11 years old. I was obviously thinking of a fun-board.

Unfortunately, I have never shaped or ridden a funboard, and I have no idea what to make. If you guys could give me some nose and tail dimensions as well as rocker I would appreciate it.

The rider is about 70-80 lbs. and a complete beginner. Should I go shorter since he’s such a small kid? Like 6’8"?

Any advice is welcome.

I’d make the board so he can ride it in later years (college and beyond). I always love getting on my first board every once and a while. so i guess make it so its a “longboard now” and a “funshape” later

make him an 8’0" longboard w/ a 2+1 fin setup…he’ll love it, and he’ll be able to ride it for many years to come.

thats exaclty what i was thinking of. for fun, you should print of his picture now on rice paper and lam it onto the board, so when hes older, you can point out how “cute” he was as a kid. Im sure he’d love it.