Benny's "PEANUT" board has gone corporate......

Anyone else remember the “Peanut” board that Benny1 made awhile back???


Just saw THIS being advertised on Facebook…

Here we go again.........

Saw this article about the same design.  From a designer of Apple laptops and Porsches who is now designing boards.

Have you guys been living under a rock?

That board has been so hyped out over the last couple of years.

Hell, Surfer's Journal even did an article on him about 5 years ago.

A must have board

for the earnest professional’s

collection.Like a pair of gucci

boat shoes,every doctor

and every lawyer should

own one.


they will indeed look great

on the roof of a porche

parked outside the daisy bar in malibu.

Doesn’t J.J. Moon own a pink one?

One thing I don’t understand about the design is the penis-shaped extension at the tail.   I would think it would get in the way of that monkey-humping-a-football style of surfing the board is obviously aimed at.   


Hobie’s (Sorry, "Y"s) Swizzle uses a relatively narrowish HPLB style squash, which I would think would work just fine with this design.  Maybe shorten the rail line up a little with a diamond.  But a penis tail?  I’m not feeling that one at all.  

I heard from a friend who has a friend who has one and he sad they go unreal.


Yep – 205lb fellow that works at the local shop rides a demo 7’6" on absolutely nothing and won’t shut up about how awesome and fun it is – raves on and on whenever the local 5 second ripples go ankle high.  I’ve seen pics. It’s insane what that guy gets on that board.

For what that’s worth! LOL

Which end goes forward?

Depends on your application! 

If you haven't ridden one, give a demo a try.  Even the skeptic might be surprised. 

The sidebites are nicely integrated with tail curve, rail foil, tail rocker and two deep concaves running through the fin area.  The rear third alone is enough to make them work.


Sometimes you feel like a nut.



This board came up again on the local – 

This is a 20 year+  surfer talking about a free sample session a while ago on someone else’s Meyerhoffer.

“it paddled into waves as easy as anything i’ve ever ridden and i also got my longest nose ride ever on it…havent bought it yet but will one day.”




(I’ve been wondering for a while why longboards don’t have full-length concaves)

It just looks wong to me. ding dang dong wong.

People have rebelled against the aesthetics of technically superior design forever, but eventually everyone else comes into line with a better design.  The non-mandated shift to raised nose designs of current F1 cars is a case in point.  The aero just works better. 


Coils are stringerless.  Some people really like stringers. Read the reviews.  Griffin’s 5 fin designs were yapped at.  Read the reviews.  McCoy’s designs just look wrong to some – but read the reviews.  I dont think wakeboards or kitesurf boards are pretty, but they sure do what theyre supposed to do, really really well.

So if it is technically superior you have one or have shaped one. Good for you. I am not rebelling against superiority. I do maintain my opinion however. Gong!

not unlike a longboard version of the Mirandon "Porpoise" design, whose merits have been proven.


Depends on what you have been smoking, and how much.