Berts vacuum methods - question

Bert or others,

I enjoyed the vacuum thread very much but have one question.

When you use your rocker template to cut the perimeter stringers (1/2" divicell) you are cutting ther rocker at the center of the board and not along the perimeter. For exampe a board 8ft long will be more like 9ft along the perimeter yet the rise of the nose and tail will be the same giving a different rocker (espesially true for a longboard with the wide round nose). Do you just rely on the vacuum bag to pull the perimeter stringer to the appropriate shape. I did notice in one of Bert’s photos that the perimeter stinger didnt line up with the blank off cut… is this normal.

Thanks very much



If you use your hotwire guides and add a little to the length, the rail bands only have to line up with the bottom of the board, the deck will be planed down when you do your rail cuts, so don’t worry too much about it.