hi! Total noob here. So glassed my first handshape with a black tail dip (paint on foam-acrylic) sanded it in the sun and obviously got to hot in one area. Surfed it twice, a fish/twin with a similar rocker to the CI twin. Sick beard, loads of fun but I noticed (hard not to!) a not so sick delam bubble in the middle of the fin boxes.       I’ve searched and it seems there’s two camps, inject resin, or cut the whole bubble out, reglass. It’s about the size of my palm, 100mm diameter. What would anyone one here recommend? I’m thinking of spraying that section white too and never using black. It’s pretty darn light/low density EPS, freezer panel, and a 6oz glass on the bottom. Learning this home shaping thing the hard way!!




Sick board even, beards are cool too.

i vote for cut the bubble out and glass a patch over the hole. I’ve never tried injecting resin.

I agree with huck. Picture would help too

I have recently had a MAJOR issue with delam on my school compsand, see the thread “frothing fun”.

I drilled holes in a repeated pattern over the entire deck, and then injected it with black resin, i did black so i could see where the resin was and and it was under timber veneer. then vacuum bagged the entire board.

here is my suggestion for the kitchen supplies repair.

drill two holes, inject. used a clean scraper to  move as much resin around as you can (if looks are not an issue make it coloured resin as its easier to see where you have spread it.)

put some cling wrap plastic flim over the area get any air out, ( that is the fiddly bit)

then put a decent sized bag of sand on it.

be careful not to sit the board in a way the that the weight will place stress on the rocker of the board.

once the resin has gone off, pull off the plastic film and see how it looks sand or fill to desired level of awesome and get it back in the water.


you will have issues of delam due to the type of foam.

Ahhh. Sweet. Some great tips there. The area is black so unfortunately I won’t be able to see the resin. I’ll give that a shot, and cause I may put a trailer box in later, I could just extend the glass patch to cover that area. I’m just having way too much fun on it and wanna get it back in the water!!

I’m pretty sure the foam is equivalent to low density. The main problem is the area is black, and when I was standing the hotcoat, I was outside on a sunny day and let it run too long in that spot. Then later on I left it on the back of my ute on a 30 degree day in the sun in a board bag. Def a muck up on my part. I will put a trailer fin box in probably and just cut that part out at the same time. Maybe paint it a lighter color to avoid future problems.

There was a study done back in the 1970’s about how hot colors on fiberglass sailplanes become in direct sunlight:

70-80 C or 160-178 F is the decomp temp for EPS.

White all the way then!!! Haha!

somebody posted reseach here awhile back that white was best for board bags too, for the same reason.

I’ll post some pics, but yeah I’ve creased the board just in front of the fins so looks like I’ve got a pretty decent repair job on my hands!! Also I’m thinking two reasons it created, the carbon strip I had stops abruptly right where the crease is on the bottom, and I accidentally mixed the resin 2:1 not 3:1 as I was supposed to. I spackled the board with poly filla and I’m also thinking maybe if not doing that on the next one ALA the $14 blank thread so you do get a bit if resin seepage and better adhesion. Thoughts anyone?

Sooo yeah. Bit of a hell noob when it comes to epoxy. It seems like I didn’t get a very good mechanical bond on the wide laps from the top to the bottom. Tried to fix the delam with a bit of gorilla glue temporarily.

6x4oz quad axial on top, 6 on bottom. Crease was on the end of the carbon. I cut the point in it as I was removing all the damaged area. Should I scuff between laminations in the future? Any hell would be awesome. It was a sweet little Twinny but I fear the glass job was far too light. Like I should’ve put 6x4 on the bottom as well as it is still way way light.

Thoughts anyone?

cut a little more of the blue glass out, so its not so straight across.

scuff up the surrounding area for bonding

maybe fill area with epoxy/filler, let it get tacky and patch. top coat. sand


just make it surfable if you like it.


I was thinking, could I theoretically cut ALL the glass off the bottom, scuff to the rails and re-lam 6oz and 4oz to give it overall strength? Mental? I know a few of you would just say “shape a new board” and I will but just thinking of the easiest/strongest options. The crease line isn’t that bad, but I will fill it a little with some epoxy and filler

Also the hotcoat where I cut it, chips off super easily. Another adhesion problem. Only seems like it’s on the bottom tho. I guess scuff and clean before hotcoat hey?

too many unknowns for me to contribute anything useful. I use resin research, its 2:1, never had a problem with fill coats bonding or chipping. I say patch it up as best you can, and start planning for the next one. If you take your build step by step, and post pics along the way, and ask questions with each step, you could probably avoid a lot of the troubles you’re having. Lots of smart minds and experienced builders here.