Best use for carbon fiber

Maybe if I get really good at Vac bagging/glassing I can build one of these?  This thing is amazing, I want one…badly!

I currently don’t vac bag at all so I’ve got a long way to go hahah

Video of it being built:

    Howzit marsh, You have got to stop scratching your Huevos before glassing the boards,Ha,Ha. Aloha Kokua

Thanks for the tip Kokua! I think I caught something on that contiki tour I went on…haha…no the quote at the bottom of my profile is something a silly person said years ago in a thread I read.  My first 6 boards probably had all sorts of things in them too though.

I was wasting time looking at videos of pre-pregging fiber glass and vac bagging things then came accross carbon fiber planes then found that thing which I think for something that you can put in your garage is absolutely amazing.  Sorry to waste peoples time on something thats not a surfboard but an impressive use of carbon fibre and building techniques.  Out of this world really.