Best way to do a checkered pattern

I’m planning on putting a whole checkered (black&white) pattern on the deck of my next board. What’s the technique for making checkered patterns? I figured that I could use masking tape for the pattern on the board then just color with spray paint or posca. But I wanted to check with you guys if you had better ideas. This will go on the hotcoat as i’m thinking the checkered pattern looks good with a gloss. Thanks.


Well, I’ve done checkered patterns on other things…

Accuracy is key. First mask the entire deck or bottom.

Use the stringer as your benchmark. Get the stringer marked out on the masking. Measure outward from the stringer the distance equal to the width of one checker. Continue this process until you reach the rail or tape line or whatever. You’ll need to mark the tape with light pencil lines. You should have lines parallel to the stringer @ the width of your checker. A thin masonite template might be the best way to do this.

Now starting at the center of the board, measure and mark lateral lines that are perpendicular to the stringer, if you want this type of pattern. Make sure the lines are marked exactly parallel to the first line.

Now you should have a checkered pattern of the masking.

Now the delicate part. Use a very sharp razor and cut all and remove half of the checkers in the pattern you’re looking to do. You should have a checkered pattern of masking and foam.

Lay down a few light coats of paint and remove the remaining masking. Your checkered pattern will now be white [clear] and whatever color you wanted. Pin lines may help cover bleed-unders.

Good luck. Perhaps someone else has a better method.

I have airbrushed a couple of checkerboard patterns. For me it was a lot of work. I cut masking tape and set the pattern with them. It was a real pain because you just can’t lat the tape in strips, have to do each check individually.

Sure would have like to have known an easier method.

Hi Gunkie,

This was similar to what I was thinking of doing. I think your way made me see things that I would have looked over. Thanks.


Hey FBFla,

Those look like really cool checkered patterns!

Really? you had to tape each square individually? -it came out good though, I must say…

Anyways, that’s the kind of pattern I was thinking of doing except that I wanted the checks to end at the “pinline”.

How big are those squares? I want to use your board as a guideline to how big I should make my squares.


Chequers are best kept the size of a width or two of wide tape laid in parallel lines with no overlap. Then its a matter of cutting the cross lines the same width, then remove the unwanted squares. I use a plastic ruler with enough flex to roll around a deck roll. If you have one of those shapers plastic width measuring devices it’ll be easy.

Thanks… it was a lot of work. Sounds like speedneedle has a much better method. the squares were 2x2 from using 2" tape.