Best way to glue pink foam?

Any suggestions on which glue is best for rigid pink insulation foam?  I’ve used epoxy in the past but was curious if there’s other options?



ive used red can Great stuff.. works pretty good, but the epoxy with microballons sounds like the best idea.. even with great stuff you still run into sanding problems

I would use epoxy thickened with tons of microballons (for easy sanding)


You can also use PU-glue but that is ugly and foams.

Pretty sure epoxy will be best

what's your opinion on using microballoons Greg?

i'm about to start gluing pink rails to my 1.5 lb EPS cores...

Hey Rob - the glue is only half the battle.  I’ve used both gorilla and epoxy in the past and they both work fine.  Hans idea using microballoons sound good too.  However, what you’ll want to make sure to do regardless of the glue you choose is to sand the mating surfaces flat with 60 grit paper, getting rid of the extrusion roller gullies and removing that ‘skin’ on the surface.  Leave the surfaces rough but make sure to brush, vacuum, or blow off the foam dust before gluing.   Good luck!