Best way to keep gloss resin out of future fin boxes?

I’m getting ready to gloss the bottom of my board. I can think of 2 possible ways (put tape over the box or leave the fin in the box and put wax in the screw hole), but I was wondering what is the most sure fire way to have it turn out clean? I’m using RR epoxy if that makes any difference.


I use tape and A really sharp razor blade. If you have a unclean cut / tear of the tape, in my experience, it shows when you pull the tape once the gloss has gelled. I am sure you could make a plug and use mold release if you wantes but the tape always works for me and is alot less hassle.

Good ideas, but some trouble points: unless you’re careful, leaving the fin in will result in a glassed in fin… the resin will run down into the box. taping is fine, but leaves a stripe right by the box where no gloss goes, and someimes a line if you razor-trim the tape too hard…Stuffing with wax is no good, because any wax that touches the box-rim or board on top will keep the epoxy from sticking (fingers too–use gloves after sanding!) I use sticky-tack (rubbery poster-adhesive stuff, usu. blue or white) to fill the entire box, and shove some down the screw-hole too. I put mine in before glassing, and remove after glossing–I leave a little mound, so that the glass will just peel off as I sand the rim down. Sanding takes some out of the box, so I “refresh” after sanding and before gloss. I’ve also heard of silly putty being used.

Disclaimer: I am a ghetto-backyarder, NOT a professional glasser.

Howzit DanB, Future has a tape that covers the finslot and I use it, After rubbing out and polishing the board you should be able to remove the tape by punching a hole in the middle and peeling off, this also works with FCS plugs. Aloha,Kokua

thats what I do, use tape, but not the futures tape, just regular 3/8 inch masking tape. Where do you get that futures tape anyway? Is it white? The one I use is that cream color which gets stuck in the resin some times.

This is what I ended up doing. I think it worked really when. When it fully dries I might try to feather the edges.

tape/3m is the best,but you can make any tape work. just do it !

Howzit greenboards, Fiberglass Hi. carries the tape, just ask for futures tape. I see you live here in the islands and if you are on Oahu or Maui you can go to their store. If you live on another island call their 800 number and order it. I find if I call them in the morning they will ship it that day and you should get it within 2 days. Aloha,Kokua

thanks kokua, I was just there but didnt think to ask. That place is great, the futures fins there is 1/2 price of what Ive seen in stores. Next board Ill get that tape so I wont have that masking tape color stuck around the edges of the boxes