Going to be glassing on a big fin to my noserider. Bought the fin(“Full Pivot” from Rainbow Fin Co.), and the bottom is totally flat. My available options are hand tools(sand paper and blocks) or a small table top belt/disc sander. Any tips on how to get the base of the fin to match up with the tail rocker or(as I suspect), is it just “do it man!! just eyeball it!!”?? Thanks.
1)tape fin in place
2)take a pencil and lay it on its side on the bottom of the board. run the pencil along the bottom and it will make a line on the fin that follows the rocker’
3)clamp fin on its side on a table and use the grinder to sand in the curve.
Lots of ways to do this but you get the basic idea.
Thanks. Sounds like a plan.
Glass on after bottom lam, BEFORE hotcoat, right?
Yes. Also, the technique described by Cleanlines is quite sound. Follow it.
Thanks Bill. Much appreciated.