Beveled Rails

I was reading the earlier posts regarding a finless board and it made me think of an old Ben Aipa thruster that I used to own. This board had concaved bevels on the lower half of the rails running almost the entire length of the board. Does anyone know the purpose behind this type of rail design? I remember being able to fit my thumb nicely into the concaves which were about a 1/4" deep at the tail, blending to a flat bevel at the nose. Thanks for the help.

Bevel (chine) rails work really well on wide boards with some thickness. The board goes to the rail really fast and feels thinner than it really is. The bevel also seems to fit the slope of the wave face really well. Wide “fish”, bevel rails,5 fins,= FUN!!! I’m sure 3 0r 2 fins would also work just fine. On mine I have the bevel go from about a foot from the nose to right off the wing with no bevel in the tail area. the bottom is dual concave that runs through a SLIGHT v through the tail. Dimensions are 7-0, 14 nose,21 3\4 wide @ 2" up from center, 15 1\2 tail, 2 3\4 thick, single wing @ 16" from tail. aloha

Tom: Could you post a little more info on this chine rail: Could you describe your chine rail a little more? Width of the bevel cut, angle, transition at nose and tail rail lines. I’ve seen seen some of Steve Boehne’s as applied over the years on his noseriders but I’ve never ridden anything with this design extended down the rail line of a shortboard. Sounds like fun! TS>>> Bevel (chine) rails work really well on wide boards with some thickness. > The board goes to the rail really fast and feels thinner than it really > is. The bevel also seems to fit the slope of the wave face really well. > Wide “fish”, bevel rails,5 fins,= FUN!!! I’m sure 3 0r 2 fins > would also work just fine. On mine I have the bevel go from about a foot > from the nose to right off the wing with no bevel in the tail area. the > bottom is dual concave that runs through a SLIGHT v through the tail. > Dimensions are 7-0, 14 nose,21 3\4 wide @ 2" up from center, 15 1\2 > tail, 2 3\4 thick, single wing @ 16" from tail.>>> aloha

TS, First of all, you want to put the chines in at the very end, even after fine sanding, this will keep the edge crisp (IMPORTANT!) You should have 2 edges; one at the bottom and one on the rail. You will leave the rail a little fat at the bottom as the chine will be removing some of the foam. Use a semi flexible sanding block starting about 8 to 12 inches from the nose and blend the bevel right into the rail line. If you have a wing, just run the bevel right off the wing. If you don’t have a wing, be sure to blend the bevel into the tail in a flowing manner. You can stop the bevel anywhere you want to. The wider the tail, the farther back you can run the bevel, all the way if you want! Generally, the bevel is about 1 1\4 wide and about 1\4 inch deep; more or less depending on how you want the board to react. Good luck and enjoy! aloha