Bic stomps Harbour

I picked up a 9’0" Bic Classic after having renting them while on vacation. I was surprised on how well they surfed. I guess it also depends on what type of board you’re used to. My main board is a custom 9’2" Harbour HP-1 and I had no problems adjusting to the Bic. I was surprised to find that Bic and the Harbour are bascially the same functioning boards. But the Bic is tougher and gets me into the wave earlier, handles late drops well, easier to do floaters, not too bad on the nose either. The newer 9’0" Bic Classic’s come with a longer center fin (8")…I prefer the older smaller 6" fin for a faster cutback. Yea, it looks cheap…but I think it’s really cool when someone can surf a cheap rental board better than most surf their $500+ boards.

Ive never ridden a Bic but have heard good and not so good comments on its ride. Im glad youre digging on yours.

I’ve got the 10’0 noserider and its a gem. I can get into waves faster and paddling is very easy. I am looking into the 9’0 because the 10’0 is just too much board for me during the winter.

I have had quite a bit of experince with the 9’0" 2+1 with a glass center fin Bic. Very maneuverable, easy to turn and ride, it turns like an eight foot board due to the bottom design, noserides easily, but, doesn’t hang five or ten all that well. In waves over six feet it reaches terminal velocity pretty quickly, and just won’t go any faster, no matter how hard you pump it. A very fun board for any quiver, and you don’t have to worry so much about riding it in to the sand.

LMAO!!!Bic stomps Harbour?? What resin are you inhaling? Lay off the crack.

I have a 9’0" bic as well and I do have to say it is a pretty fun board. I bought it because at the time I was rather new to surfing. I had ridden one for three days then dropped it for a short board. Well being on the east coast that shortboard and my lack of experence didn’t work too well. SO while looking for longboards I wanted one that was cheap and tough (I had to teach everone how to surf). The bic worked great, heck one time it flew off the top of my car when I was doing 50mph and the thing came away from that with only a few scratches. After a few years though I went ahead and got a “real” longboard and have havejust as much fun with it.

Actually, I think the 9’ Bic suck. I could never get it dialed, but then again I’ve only surfed it in kneehigh surf and only a few days when I’ve borrowed it. The 8’ Bic though I think is excellent. I think it turns and trims better than the 9’ and ofcouse they are both though as hell. If it works for you, more power to you. regards, Håvard

Guys, you MUST keep shitbagging these mass produced plastic boards - DO you want to be putting shapers out of a livelihood? Would you like to be getting a free 9 footer with your hamburger? That stuff about it being-" whatever goes well for you" is a complete load of fucking bullshit!

Someguy wrote: “Guys, you MUST keep shitbagging these mass produced plastic boards - DO you want to be putting shapers out of a livelihood? Would you like to be getting a free 9 footer with your hamburger? That stuff about it being-” whatever goes well for you" is a complete load of fucking bullshit!" No, it not. First of all there will always be a small custom market. Always. Secondly, those who buy off the rack wouldn’t know a Bic shape from a Rusty if it wasn’t for comersials(logos) and the lame plastic look of the Bic. Thirdly, yes we have to sayu whatever works for you, because if we don’t the shapers will keep pushing the disposable boards of yesterday to their customers. Everybody need a bit of pressure to progress. regards, Håvard

…AND Thirdly…appeal! …Those bicks are just too butt ugly for me.They look like a generic pack of cigs.All Bick needs to do is put a big label on the stripes that say ,“SURFBOARD”…LOL… It doesn’t mean I wouldn’t ride one! Gene Cooper stated in the past,“if you were on a desert island and that’s all you had,then I would go with that” …OH YEAH,if you crack your bick it will soak up water like a sponge,wiki-wiki…so fix the cracks as soon as you notice them,and make sure the cracks are dry in and out before you start the repair or you’ve just terminated you bick…Herb