big wave tow-in board

I’m going to build a tow in for big waves.

Anyone here built one?

SANDMAN WROTE:   ‘‘Anyone here built one?’’

ANSWER:     Yes.

Thanks for your extensive response.  LOL

I should have put the question in a diffeerent perspective…

Since your the only one that did give me an answer, might as well ask what is the weight of your board.

I’m lookig to build a very stiff tail and mid section and a very flexible nose.

Any pictures of your board? Any thread I can read? Any tips you want to share? Any advice?


1.   Do you ride ‘‘big waves?’’

2.  Where?

3.  Why tow, why not paddle in?

4.  Size board you presently ride?

5.  Your size, weight?

6.  Size board you ride in ‘‘big waves?’’

7.  Flex nose?   What are you thinking?

Give me some information, eh.


I’m gonna guess this is a custom for a big wave rider in Portugal - waiting to see what the sandman says

Yep, that’s right Huck, As you also know I can’t say much too.

I’ll just have to figure things out myself.

See you on the other forum



Sandman…why can’t you say anything?   You asked if we have made tow boards.  I have made a few.


What do you want to know?   Mines Red,  and I use Future GL fins, it has foot straps too, weight about 20-25 lbs.