blank help

help help help,

i started mowing a fish out of a mal blank,but there have been complications ie: patchy foam density and a freind who thinks symetrical can be acived one rail at a time!

anyways…i can get clark foam,what blank would you sugest for a fish?

my intended dimentions are 6’0 x 22 x 18 x 17 x 21/2(ish).

Clark 6’2"C. I just finished a 5’10" fish with that blank. I pretty much kept the built-in rocker, and it turned out nice and surfs great.

have not used, but the 6’2"C is marketed as a fish blank

6’2’‘c …and when people on the beach ask what kind of board is that?..say its a 6’2’‘c…and walk away,theyll be going to shops asking if they carry 6’2’'c’s…haha,thats funny to me.

nice one have,

i wish i hadnt have bothered with chopping up the mal blank,i should have made a mal.

as for sea base uk,i can never get any info from them when i visit,they have a very ‘your a smalltimer so fek off’ attitude.ive even been told buy the manageress(i think) to stop wasteing their time!

as for the 6’2c bit…most surfers would think you were refering to some secret otherworldly wave size chart.

it depends on what rocker you want…IMO the 6’2C has too much nose flip…I made my 6’2 fish using a 7’0R and ended up with 3.7 nose rocker and 1.7 tail rocker…just super fast. I posted some pics on the current other fish post.

call it an ex-2-c…

7’3" B works pretty well. Nice and flat. Mike

thank you all,

ill have to look at these blanks as theres nowt like seeing.

i take it that the foam density (7ft blank) is higher than useing a mal blank when you chop a foot or so off the length?

its gonna have to wait now,customers boards to shape(a pair of hollow wood bodyboards and a pair of 8fters) and the surfwagon needs fixin.

(ill have fish even if it kills me)