BLANKS storage

…so I have a bunch of blanks right now, but not too much room to store them; so my question is for opinions on the way to leave em; I mean, I do not have enough room to leave em on their sides (that is the good procedure) only enough space to leave em standing upright.

Some are in packs of 5 units, others not.

I have space to put (stack up) for example, 2 packs, then other 2 packs, etc to prevent excessive weight on them and prevent tweaking.

In the past I did not perceive enough difference between leaving them on their sides and standing up…maybe the problem is if you leave em too long (months)?

What s your opinion about it?


I've stored them standing on end and on their rail, but not usually laying flat on top of each other.  A cool dark place is what's important.  I have had a couple of stringers pop from extreme heat when I had blanks stored in a storage unit that was not temperture controlled.  Most supply houses store blanks on edge/rail in a rack. But they don't sit all that long.

mine are all up in the attic, laying across rafters and each other and some on their cuts that also double as the vacuum bag supports. bonus is it gets so freaking hot in my attic, that they may just outgass while they’re waiting.

My unglued blanks are out in the rain and sun, it helps cure them better

…so, is there a consensus about to put the blanks only on its side?

Just keep them away from anyplace there are carpenter bees. They love to bore holes into foam.

For PU blanks, I always stored them standing up. As vertically as possible, don’t have them leaning on each other too much. Try to avoid twisting forces (but you knew that).

LOL at Jim. Hundreds of swaylockers are throwing their blanks outside after reading his post.

…I normally stored standing up, due to lack of space; however, in every factory or retailer you enter, the blanks are almost all on it s side.

I noticed some have a bit twisted stringer, may be due to that? But why standing up would be worst than the other way?

…still we do not have a concise opinion about why would be better the side storage instead of the standing up one.

You would think that one of the blank manufactures would chime in.

I can tell you why Clark stored theirs on the side. Because it was a way to limit/minimize twist forces. But you need to have the good racks. Without the racks, if I had more than 50 or 60 to store, I would stand them in groups of 7 or 8 trying to keep them as upright as possible.

…well, I always see that way MD, however more than I think about it, standing up makes more sense in the twist situation, due to a wall, so a flat part, then one point (the tail tip of the stringer for example) to the floor

However, with the big racks you can put hundreds in the same space that you put way less standing up.

Yes, I have around 60 right now and a limited space so I put some back to the wall then other packages (5 blanks per package) sided to the wall and others slightly touching these last ones but using them like the wall.


You didn’t say how long you will be keeping the blanks.  I don’t move as many boards

as you do, but if you are looking at getting your 60 shaped out by the end of summer, I would

consider storing them on their side if that works the best for you.  If you are looking at

keeping the blanks for the next 8 months or so (planning ahead), I would store them vertically

with a level cut on the stringer so the stringer takes most of the stress. I have stored long blanks

for a few years on end with no twist by using this method.  If they are wrapped

together with plastic wrap, please make sure to unwrap them!!!  I hope this translates for

you, if not, I will pm you when I get a translation from one of my students!! A la vista…


…I guessed that wrapped could be better, due to they are very tight that way so move as a bulk not each one moving around…

What do you mean with a level cut on the stringer?


By level cut on the stringer I mean that I take my saw when I get delivery of my blanks I carefully saw a tiny bit of stringer/foam off the tail so that the blanks will stand straight with the rocker vertical.  I try not to lean them too much.  If they are laying over too much the rocker will change over time.  Bundles move easier, but will the pressure of the plastic change the rocker?

Hope this helps!!