
alhoa/ was looking for some feedback on Dann Mann's of Mannkine suurfboards carbon fiber infused blanks/Ride inCide. Anybody surfing/surfed on this design? what did you think?

After viewing the linked video I couldn't help but flash on two concepts from the old Bert Burger thread and more recent private emails with lemat....

  • springer
  • neutral axis

With those concepts considered, the InCide technology makes sense.  I've not surfed one.

Hi, this concept of springer (bert burger word) is not new , there are springers in bodyboard for long time. In France Stark add carbon pipe in his EPS/epoxy boards with succes, he called it pheno EPS.It’s certainly the best way to use carbon for surfboards but after simulation with mechanical software, i found that it’s not the best solution. Because of the add of stiffness and weight you need to make thin layers top, rails and bottom to keep some flex, finally your lams are too fragile to keep a durable board.

Coil or hydroflex or corevac and others with there strong but flexible and tough skins have the best concept for me.

Sorry for my frenglish

Thank you for yourcomments. The tech makes sense to me too John. These blanks have been around for awhile and I seem to be having trouble getting feedback from people who have surfed them..?.. I have talked (briefly) to a well respected shaper/surfer who has ridden one, and is "loving it". Im just hoping to hear some more before i pull the trigger.

Well... it isn't rocket science but it does look as if there is a lot going on in the carbon structure.  There is obviously something more to it than just slapping a layer of carbon between two sheets of EPS.  I've often wondered why 3-D composite structural components (other than the outer fiberglass shell) weren't used more in the surfboard industry. 

Well 3D are even use, what does hydroflex, coil and everyone who “grip” lam on blancks use a kind of 3D structure. Using the center axis of a sandwich is a cost weight idea that improve dynamic flex endurance but not intersting if outer layers are not as strong. In fact in sandwich structure center axis is a low forces places.

Sorry for my frenglish

Ya i dont know? Maybe if aint broke why fix it logic? My expericence has been most surfers dont experiment too much. Some even bordering on distain for those that do??? "you'd be better off on a standard truster" " u paid how much!" I just love all the designs and materials that are going round the wheel since clarkfoam crashed. It's a great time to be a surfer. i wish i had the time and $$$ to try 'em all. Shootz if u could get yer hands a true Cambell Brothers bonzer in Aviso tech, you could probably surf straight into another dimension. LOL. peace.

Has anyone in this thread worked with these blanks recently or have any recent feedback?

anyone hand shaped these? 

They hand shape just like a normal 2 pound density blank.  

If you didnt know the Incide was in there, it would just be like shaping a regular stringerless blank, although obviously stiffer.

…read the website cover to cover. My question is this: “That ‘brain’ will last forver. So, say you destroy the exterior of the board in 3 years. Can the brain be transfered into a new blank?” If so, that’s killer.

A surfboard inside a surfboard. A dream within a dream.