Blending Curves update

Hello fellow foam hackers.


I just wanted to let you know that i’ve made some changes/updates to the site…and only a year and a half after promised!!


The new and improved Blending Curves now has over 250 surfboard and fin templates for free.


Blending Curves


And for those who don’t yet know about Blending Curves, it is a site i designed to make all the templates i’ve been making over the years available to all you guys and gals.


It’s my way of paying it forward to this little community and to say thanks for continuing to share your thoughts, ideas, and stoke!


The idea originated here if anyone is interested:


I’ll be adding some content to the tutorials section in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for that.


Thanks again and let me know if anything looks weird or off.









Stoked on the update, but why the elimination of some of the templates? “Stub B” was the outline that first inspired me to start hacking. Kind of sad to see it not make the cut, in a nostalgic way.  

Thank you for your efforts.  I have used several of your templates and gotten very good results.  A few sample pics of blending curves boards.




Hi Hamrock, 


I definitely struggled with categories, but ended up dropping a couple templates and reorganizing.  It would be really easy to add stubs back in as I have all the files.  Maybe i’ll even beef it up.  I just didn’t want too much overlap.  Stay tuned!





It’s pictures like those that make it all worth it.





Right on. And no worries, your site is a great service, regardless of the additions or cuts. Stoked to see what new updates hold. 

Did notice a glitch on the longboard templates. The link for Longboard E points to the Longboard D templates. I think the templates for those boards in my pictures above didn’t make the cut…that or they are under another category.

Loving that orange with black spatter mate. She looks a beauty.

Hey mako, 


I fixed the longboard E issue, thanks!


Regarding your boards, hopefully short A and alt A will suffice.


Let me know and i can send you the old ones.





Currently my favorite board, based off of your 5’10" stub.  Much thanks and bring the stub back!


Nice Gavz!


Looks like i’ll be bringing back the stub section then…



I love your updated site!  Thanks

The fin section is amazing

Hey thanks Warrior1515, 


Yeah, i’m pumped on the fins.  Almost didn’t happen, but i’m glad i decided to dial it in.  Minor tweaks coming to that category in the coming weeks as well.  



Bring back the Stubbies !! Will try make a donation soon 

I have alot of your templates that I used on my website. Thanks Again 

Zackoopman!  Glad you’re making use of them! Yeah, I think i will update/bring back the stubbies.  And thank YOU.



Great site, thank you.

Hey Andrew,
Have you considered including a full size PDF in the zip files?
I just downloaded a template from the site and was looking to print with a plotter at work only to find it is all based on small sheets.
I would suggest having a scale checker on the printout some where.
So once you have printed it out you can place a ruler down and confirm 5" is actually 5".
PS: I'm looking forward to the stubbie templates :-)

What I’ve been doing to get around the small paper size issue is bring the sheets into Adobe Illustrator (photoshop will also work), create a workspace and then overlay the sheets creating a single 24" wide sheet.  I can then print it any size I want and hold scale on the plotters at my office.  My most recent 6’6 started out as a 5’6 template on Blending Curves.

Website looks good and it’s a great resource.


Have you shaped all these designs?

Hey Bertie, 


That’s a great idea.  I’ll definitely add it to the version 3 list.

