
what is the best way to put a block on the tail of a board?

Just before final shaping, cut the blank and resin the bliock in…

Ask ten people get ten answers. The archives are full of info so check it out. Personally, I prefer to shape the board to the point prior to final sanding. Cut off the tail, trace the outline onto the block, rough shape the block to that general profile, glue the block on with 60 sec. epoxy, then final shape it into the board with rasps, block plane, sanding blocks. Enjoy the ride.


Search !!!

key word “tailblock”;search_string=%22tailblock%22;#236693

I’ve got a blank that I’m messing around with. I’ll post photos when the tail block is done.

Have fun


" shape the board to the point prior to final sanding. Cut off the tail, trace the outline onto the block, rough shape the block to that general profile, glue the block on with 60 sec. epoxy, then final shape it into the board with rasps, block plane, sanding blocks."

yep , “Hicksy” did that with my mal [“my next …maladjusted” thread] , and it came out GREAT !! (“Onya , 'icksy !”)

cheers !


Rich Harbour taught me a few things about installing tail blocks…something that really didn’t come together for me until after a few years.

I hope I’m not letting go of one of his secrets ,but hotmelt/glueguns work fantastic for applying them to the blank.

thats a great trick (often wondered but never bothered to test it)

contact adhexive would work quick as well

i use 5 min epoxy


Rich Harbour taught me a few things about installing tail blocks…something that really didn’t come together for me until after a few years.

I hope I’m not letting go of one of his secrets ,but hotmelt/glueguns work fantastic for applying them to the blank.

I taught that to Rich HARBOUR years ago… Naaaaaaah, kidding, but that’s what I’ve been doing, too. I just tried it one day and it seemed to work fine, so I went with it. You just have to be fast 'cause that thermo-setting glue doesn’t wait…


all great responses.

What i use is automotive bondo…yep car body repair bondo. You can get different colors of bondo for different looks. And the awesome thing about using bondo as your glue…it easy to sand! also…if your can of bondo goes dry from not using…just add some Polyester resin to your can.

I also use 5 min epoxy glue. Both work well for me.

Here’s some pics of my latest longboard with tailblock…start to finish. I finish shaping the blank then cut tail and glue block on…then sand.

oops ! …this was the thread I meant …;post=249166;page=1;mh=-1;;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC

more pics:

more pics:

more pics:

and more pics:

Oops…I forgot to mention…don’t use bondo on EPS blanks (melts blanks)

I use 5 min epoxy if I need to finish board fast and bondo when no rush is needed. Also, I like using redwood (easy to work with)

enjoy and embrace!

surf with aloha!

we got one good swell on da south shore…dawn patrol here I come!@!!!

Aloha Herb,

Only reason I haven’t tried the hot melt glue gun is…well, I don’t have one. I’m sure it would work great. I’ve used 5 minute epoxy (when I was out of 60 sec. which is harder to find), and it seems forever to sit there holding and pressing the block to cure.

Enjoy the ride!


Here on the mainland we have a discount store called "99 cents only" . You can get a small glue gun w/ 3-6 glue sticks for only 99cents......When the sticks are used up,I pitch the gun and start w/ a new one. 

Epoxies like the 30sec/1 min. etc.etc.etc. work great as well. 99cents only stores also have them.

This one was hot-melt glued. Sorry, I think I already posted it in another thread.

Aloha Herb,

Thanks for the advice. I’m headed out to find a 99c store, but I’m sure they are likely $10.99 stores over here!

Aloha Balsa,

Nice job! Clean tight glue lines. Stay on it.
