Blue foamy kids boards

If you’re going to run over people to clear the water, use a big hard surfboard, something that will surely send a few people in.

I saw a friend the other day at courts who was run over by a not-to-be-named local newscaster. Smashed the tail of his Aipa 5-fin fish.

I just bought 2 surf mats for me and the bro, so if he wants to play bangem up with me, that’s the right way to do it. I don’t want to waste the kind of money they want for a poam board.

okay deal

you get the mat and I get the 9’6" Mal

we’ll see who knocks who off their ride first…

now this is what I call surfing…

Man I love surfing! Oneula, that 20lbs you have on the bro may help on the mats- that extra momentum can’t be beat. Maybe one of the speed thread guys could give us an equation to explain it. Take photos too.

okay deal

you get the mat and I get the 9’6" Mal

we’ll see who knocks who off their ride first…

now this is what I call surfing…

Dude, you know you’re going down. Low center of gravity beats high center every time. I may even tie some of those chicken fighting knives on my fins and cut your foam board into litle pieces. Maybe I can fight off the sharks too.

Hey man I reshaped the Iggy into a beautiful rocket fish yesterday (shined the superbowl). It has the nose of a flyer and the tail of a Griffin. Came out to 17 1/2" or 18" wide. I also glued up some scraps for another 7’ EPS egg. Bought supplies at FH today and ran into Dennis (Uncle D). He said he had a contact for really cheap PU blanks from china. I told him about the fish and he said wow that’s a paipo.

I think sandtracks was probably really nice yesterday, Diamond head had overhead sets, northerly winds.

Thinking about making a blue dow foam board with just an internal support, and no outer skin or coating.

I want to see how that will work. It will allow us to make adjustments to the top, bottom and maybe the rails before deciding if we want to cover it. It’ll be a way to also learn about the bouyancy of the foam without having to make complete boards.

Be like going back 40+ years to the styrofoam boards we first started on, only with modern resources, and it should be a lot cheaper than the blue popout styrofoam boards. They cost about $150.00 for the small ones here.